Sunday School Updates–Week 35–2024-2025 “First Sunday of Lent”

“I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters,

that I have greatly sinned…”

“Lord, give me the grace to make a good confession. Grant me enlightenment to know my sins, humility to confess them sincerely, and the resolve to do better. O Virgin Mary, come to my aid.”

Source: A Missal for Children Page 88

Watercolor Cross Over a Mountain

For Parents To Teach To Their Children

We Learn to Confess Our Sins In Church–Penitential Act

At the beginning of the Mass, after the Procession, the priest says, “Brethren (brothers and sisters), let us acknowledge our sins,/ and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.”

Our response is:

“I confess to almighty God

and to you, my brothers and sisters,

that I have greatly sinned,

in my thoughts and in my words,

in what I have done,

 and in what I have failed to do,

 And, striking their breast, they say:

through my fault, through my fault,

through my most grievous fault;

Then they continue:   

therefore I ask blessed Mary,


All the Angels and Saints,

and you, my brothers and sisters,

to pray for me to the Lord our God.”

The priest concludes,

“May almighty God have mercy

on us,/ forgive us our sins,/ and bring us

to everlasting life.”


A Missal for Children tells us on page 16:

“The I confess to almighty God is a very helpful prayer. Read it often to learn it by heart. It will help you to express your sorrow for your sins, or when you confess your sins to a priest in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.”

A Missal for Children

 “An Act of Contrition” Prayer

(For Children)
Another prayer that can be read out loud or from memory is called, “An Act of Contrition.” “Contrition” means to feel sad about something we have done, and to feel the need to apologize. Since we were all born with a conscience, we know right from wrong. When we do something we know is wrong, it makes our hearts feel heavy. Sometimes we confide in someone, like Mom or Dad, and it makes us feel better. When we make a confession to a priest, the priest has the authority from Jesus, to forgive us and reconcile us to God (re-connect, make whole again) and to heal the broken relationship with God. The priest will give the person who is confessing, a “penance” which is a prayer or a small act to do, such as, apologize to a loved one. The penance is small enough that we can do it, but big enough that it has special meaning. After the penance, the priest will give you “absolution.” This means that you are forgiven and the sin is no longer with you.

You can take this card in with you to First Confession and read from it, if this practice is permitted for First Reconciliation in your church:

You can also read or memorize the “Jesus Prayer” on the bottom of the card.


Practice The Actions Of Confession with a Family Member

First Reconciliation Card

“The Seal of Confession”

“The priest who hears your confession may never repeat what you say. The sins you mention are a sacred secret between you and God. They are protected by the ‘Seal of Confession.’ The priest can’t tell your friends or parents or anyone else. He can’t bring them up again to you in private. Besides, he doesn’t want to tell anyone. He is not there to punish you, but to heal you.”

Source: Magnifikid!, February 14, 2018, Vol. 15. Part 3. Section 4. Pages 4-5

“An Examination of Conscience”

The “Ten Commandments” are our guide to whether we have sinned, or not.

“When we choose not to love each other like Jesus wants us to, it’s called a sin. A sin is not a mistake or an accident. Mistakes and accidents are not done on purpose. A sin is something we choose, even though we know it’s wrong. Sin hurts our relationship with God and each other. It pulls us away from God’s Family.”

Source: Child’s Guide to Reconciliation Page 7

Confession Art Project

This graphic design was made by Kim N. Buckley, as is all of the graphic art on

Five Steps to A Good Confession–Text From

Easy to do at home with or without a template. Click to print template following printer prompts at bottom of page. Or, provide a large piece of white construction paper and a pencil for the child to trace their hand. Markers, stickers, and a black sharpie are great for decorating easily. Above each finger the child can write in Sharpie: 1. “Admit your sins.” 2. “Be sorry.” 3. Don’t repeat them.” (The child who decorated this added the “it”)! 4. “Tell your sins to a priest.” 5. “Do the penance given to you.” Decorate the poster and hang it prominently for all to see.

Click to Print Confession Template

Family Homework Suggestions

Please read  “You Are the Son of God” in The Catholic Book of Bible Stories, pages 140-142 (Matthew 16:13-20; Galatians 3), (or in your own Catholic Children’s Bible, or directly from your family Bible.) Also, read page 143, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” as we learn more about Jesus, and Peter; please also read “The Good Samaritan” pages 153-154, and “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” on page 155.

Read “The Word of the Lord” on page 38 of Believe Celebrate Live Reconciliation. Please read “Examination of Conscience” with your child on pages 40-41:

Learn About Jesus Through the Mysteries of the Rosary

Over Lent, read the Bible passage for one of the Sorrowful Mysteries each Sunday. Help your child begin to name them.

The Sorrowful Mysteries (These are recited Tuesdays and Fridays)

  1. THE AGONY IN THE GARDEN (Luke 22:43)
  3. THE CROWNING WITH THORNS (Matthew 27:28-29)
  5. THE CRUCIFIXION” (John 19:25-27)

Source: The Sorrowful Mysteries from

Ways to Practice the Rosary from the Rosary-Center and Confraternity

“The steps to praying the Rosary are”:

  1. Make the Sign of the Cross and pray the “Apostles’ Creed”

  2. Pray the “Our Father”

  3. Pray three “Hail Marys” for Faith, Hope, and Charity

  4. Pray the “Glory Be”

  5. Announce the First Mystery and then pray the “Our Father”

  6. Pray ten “Hail Marys” while meditating on the Mystery

  7. Pray the “Glory Be” (Optional: Pray the “O My Jesus” prayer requested by Mary at Fatima)

  8. Announce the Next Mystery; then pray the “Our Father” and repeat these steps (6 through 8) as you continue through the remaining Mysteries.

  9. Pray the closing prayers: the “Hail Holy Queen” and “Final Prayer”

  10. Make the “Sign of the Cross”


“We are all children of God.”

Blessed First Communion

Page 12

Dynamic Catholic

“I am going to receive the incredible gift of Jesus

during my First Communion

I am truly Blessed.”


The Presence of Jesus