“‘Since you’re faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities.'”
Source: USCCB.org “Matthew 25:14-30”
For Parents to Teach to Their Children
An Excerpt from “God has confidence in us!” By Lisa Reno, MagnifiKid!, November 15, 2020. Page 3
“Jesus has gone away for a time and entrusted us with talents for making the world a better place. He wants us to invest what he has given us so that we overcome our faults and become holy. What confidence the Lord has in us! He knows that we can do great things. We can discover profound truths. We can create beautiful works. We can even grow to love as God loves. We can change a world in so many ways by becoming the saints he calls us to be. If we serve him faithfully, he will surely say to us, ‘Come, share your master’s joy.'”
Our Art Gallery
“Our God-Given Gifts”
Both of these paintings were painted using sponges on sticks with watercolor paints on watercolor paper. It is an easy project for kids of all ages to make. If you don’t have watercolor paints at home, this can still be made using crayons, markers, or poster paints.
Our Reading and Writing –For Families

“God forgives my sins through the Church in the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation!”
Page 72 Believe Celebrate Live Reconciliation
We have talked about the gifts of Reconciliation, including a “new life.” A new life, through penance and reconciliation, allows a person to strive to become virtuous, even if they have previously sinned in their life. Many of the saints had new, virtuous lives after repenting a past that was full of sins and not virtuous.
Our Writing Project
Page 76 Believe Celebrate Live Reconciliation
“Help your child to appreciate and treasure the gift of God’s forgiveness.”
Talk to your child about the treasures of reconciliation. Have them write down the gifts they will be receiving.
For An Excellent Explanation of Reconciliation and Confession for Children:
From USCCB.org “Let Children Come: The Sacrament of Reconciliation and Children”
Read about “The Examination of Conscience for Children” by Fr. Thomas Weinandy
“Tips on Helping Children With First Reconciliation”
catholicmom.com offers these suggestions:
“Practice Out Loud — ‘The Glory Be,’ ‘The Lord’s Prayer,’ and ‘Hail Mary’
Parents: There are helpful “Confession Guides” for children and parents on the Internet.”
“5 Ways to Prepare Your Child for First Reconciliation” from catholicmom.com
1. “Talk about the Sacrament of Reconciliation Together”
2. “Examination of Conscience”
3. “Practice”
4. “Go to Confession as a Family”
5. “Pray Together”
Prayer Before Confession
Source: The New Saint Jo seph First Communion Catechism Page 46
“Come, Holy Spirit,
give me Your light
to see my sins,
and give me Your help
to be sorry for them.
Show me why I sinned.
Help me never again
to sin on purpose.”
Prayer After Confession
Source: The New Saint Joseph First Communion Catechism Page 46
“My Jesus, I thank You
for washing away my sins
in Your Precious Blood.
Help me to accept my cross
each day and not to hurt
I love You with my whole whole
heart and soul.”
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Eleven
Family Discussion
Talk to your children about the gifts God gives us. For example, what if a child was give, by God, the gift of exceptional intelligence but all he wanted to do was play video games. Over the years, the child remained the same–uninterested in learning or in doing homework, he simply wanted to watch television and play with his games. What do you think God would have thought about the gifts he gave the child and how the boy squandered them?
Writing a Prayer
Please encourage your children to write a prayer of Thanksgiving.
Start your prayer, “Thank you, God….”