For Parents To Teach To Their Children
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“Three Types of Crosses”
Reconciliation Preparation:
A year ago, I had a First Holy Communion class. The children had their First Confessions in December. We were all together in the church for First Reconciliation with lots of other classes, teachers and parents. No one had ever heard of “social distancing” or even the word “Covid.” By March, Religious Education classes had to stop meeting as a group and the church was closed.
Here we are a year later, preparing for First Reconciliation with a whole new type of situation. I give a monthly ZOOM class for parents who are “homeschooling” religious education. I receive their weekly homework assignments, and send weekly educational emails. It has worked out. Students will make their confessions in a week and everyone will be prepared. The church will be used only for a few children at a time to make their penance, usually praying “An Act of Contrition.” Kids will wait outside and confessions will be made with social distancing. And, we carry on.
I thought families with children preparing for First Confession would like to see what my students and their families are reviewing before they receive the Sacrament. I hope you will find the information helpful.
Sincerely, Connie Goldin
An Act of Contrition
Help Your Child/Children Practice Making a Confession
“When we hear the words of absolution, we know that Jesus Himself is forgiving us through the priest. He says, “I absolve you from your sins in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” We accept the absolution by answering, ‘Amen.’”
“My Gifts of Reconciliation from God”
Our Art Project–A Reconciliation Heart
This heavy stock paper heart is a blank template available in most craft stores. I painted it in child’s poster paint, adding texture to the paint using a semi-dry brush to add streaks. Then I used the same type of paint to splatter the lavender heart. Since purple is the Liturgical Color for Penance, I thought painting a lavender heart was a good way to say for children to “Thank You” to God after their First Reconciliation.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Nineteen
Invite your child to write out “An Act of Contrition” in hand writing or printing. There is a connection in memorizing or remembering material by writing the information by hand, as opposed to using a computer.
Here is the simplest form of “An Act of Contrition” that I have seen:
“Dear God, I am sorry for all my sins.
I am sorry for the wrong things I have done.
I am sorry for the good things I have failed to do.
I will do better with your help. Amen.”