Finishing Touches Through God’s Grace
For Parents to Teach to Their Children
“The goal of a virtuous life is to become like God.” Source: Catechism of the Catholic Church
Virtue: “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” 62 Catechism of the Catholic Church
Faith, Hope, and Charity
“The theological virtues are the foundation of Christian moral activity; they animate it and give it its special character. They inform and give life to all the moral virtues… There are three theological virtues: faith, hope, and charity.”
“God forgives my sins through the Church in the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation!”
Page 72 Believe Celebrate Live Reconciliation
We have talked about the gifts of Reconciliation, including a “new life.” A new life, through penance and reconciliation, allows a person to strive to become virtuous, even if they have previously sinned in their life. Many of the saints had new, virtuous lives after repenting a past that was full of sins and not virtuous.
Growing in Faith Together Activity
Page 76 Believe Celebrate Live Reconciliation
“Help your child to appreciate and treasure the gift of God’s forgiveness.”
Talk to your child about the treasures of reconciliation. Have them write down the gifts they will be receiving.
Reconciliation Review
A person who: acknowledges his sins (knows what they are), has a contrite heart (feels truly sad for the sins), makes up their mind to not sin again (repents), goes to confession (tells the priest about the sins), does the penance given to them by the priest ( a prayer or a kind action) is truly forgiven. “This Sacrament (Reconciliation) heals the wounds of all our sins.” Source: The New Saint Joseph First Communion Catechism Pages 40-41

Prayer Before Confession
Source: The New Saint Joseph First Communion Catechism Page 46
“Come, Holy Spirit,
give me Your light
to see my sins,
and give me Your help
to be sorry for them.
Show me why I sinned.
Help me never again
to sin on purpose.”
Prayer After Confession
Source: The New Saint Joseph First Communion Catechism Page 46
“My Jesus, I thank You
for washing away my sins
in Your Precious Blood.
Help me to accept my cross
each day and not to hurt
I love You with my whole whole
heart and soul.”
After First Reconciliation
After children have made their first confession, it’s nice to have a little recognition. The tradition at my church, is to give each child a white, helium-filled balloon on a white string. This is a symbol of the lightness of the soul after being unburdened through Reconciliation. They also receive this card: (Please note that the text of this card has been passed down for several years. I do not know who first created it.) Kim N. Buckley created the lovely graphics.
Christ In Our Churches
Art Projects for First Reconciliation
All of these projects were created with watercolors, watercolor pastels, cut paper and glue, metallic kids’ poster paint, and dry pastels. I smeared the gold paint on the back of a Wheat Thins box with my fingers and inverted it onto a piece of watercolor paper. I gently lifted it off and let dry for several hours. Then, I cut a paper doily in half and used it as a stencil. The paint goes through the holes of the doily and when peeled off leaves a lace effect. Finally, I used two sizes of press-on cross stickers, and my Tabernacle painting was complete. I love using natural and clean household sponges, dipped in paint to add texture to a painting. I hope you and your children will have fun making some of these paintings, drawings and cut paper projects this Lent and Easter seasons. The last two pictures require removable tape, which is put on paper before using crayons, markers, pastels or watercolors. When done, pull off the tape for a clean straight edge.
Our Materials
Suggested Homework
Week Twenty-Five
Please read “Jesus Teaches Us to Pray” in The Catholic Book of Bible Stories, pages 156-158 (Matthew 6:9-13;), (or in your own Catholic Children’s Bible, or directly from your family Bible.) Please read page 159, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” as we learn more about Jesus’ teachings; please also read “Jesus Blesses the Children” (Mark 10:13-16) pages 160-162, and “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” on page 163.
Learn About Jesus Through the Mysteries of the Rosary
Over Lent, read the Bible passage for one of the Sorrowful Mysteries each Sunday. Help your child begin to name them.
The Sorrowful Mysteries (These are recited Tuesdays and Fridays)
THE CRUCIFIXION” (John 19:25-27)
Source: The Sorrowful Mysteries from
Rosary Coloring Page
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