2023 - 2024 Homework
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2022 - 2023 Homework
Week Twenty-One–Suggested Homework Activities
For children preparing for First Holy Communion, I suggest reading the Apostles’ Creed. Begin by reading it aloud in its entirety. Next, begin to read it through one stanza at a time. This is a parent child activity because it has so much significant content. Break it down, a line or two, to help your child understand each group of lines (stanzas). Teach the difficult words for your child and begin with defining the words “creed” and “Apostles.”
A New Year! Come back soon for new content.
2021 - 2022 Homework
Week Seventeen–Suggested Homework Activities
Please read the “Joyful Mysteries” of the Rosary
“The Joyful Mysteries” Recited Monday and Saturday
- The Annunciation
Mary learns that she has been chosen to be the mother of Jesus. - The Visitation
Mary visits Elizabeth, who tells her that she will always be remembered. - The Nativity
Jesus is born in a stable in Bethlehem. - The Presentation
Mary and Joseph take the infant Jesus to the Temple to present him to God. - The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
Jesus is found in the Temple discussing his faith with the teachers.
Source: “Mysteries of the Rosary” from LoyolaPress.com
Week Sixteen–Suggested Homework Activities
Please read the “Joyful Mysteries” of the Rosary
“The Joyful Mysteries” Recited Monday and Saturday
- The Annunciation
Mary learns that she has been chosen to be the mother of Jesus. - The Visitation
Mary visits Elizabeth, who tells her that she will always be remembered. - The Nativity
Jesus is born in a stable in Bethlehem. - The Presentation
Mary and Joseph take the infant Jesus to the Temple to present him to God. - The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
Jesus is found in the Temple discussing his faith with the teachers.
Source: “Mysteries of the Rosary” from LoyolaPress.com
Week Fifteen–Suggested Homework Activities
This is a beautiful season and is a lovely time to read stories about “The Nativity.” I recommend reading Catholic Bible stories for children. You can also read the story of “The Annunciation” when Mary hears the news that she will be the mother of God, through the stories of “The Nativity”, ending on “The Flight to Egypt.” Luke, Chapters 1 and 2.
Week Fourteen–Suggested Homework Activities
No Homework for Thanksgiving Weekend.
Week Thirteen–Suggested Homework Activities
Draw or paint Jesus, King of the Universe, in his red robe and crown.
Week Twelve and Suggested Activities
Please make sure your child can recite the “Hail Mary.”
Read “The Annunciation” from your family Bible or from a Catholic Children’s Bible.
Week Eleven–Suggested Homework ActivitiesInvite your child to practice the “Forgive me Father for I have Sinned” and “An Act of Contrition” if they are preparing. If your child isn’t preparing, I recommend he or she draws or paints a beautiful cross, in any style they’d like to do.
Week Ten–Suggested Homework Activities
Please read this week’s reading of “The Beatitudes” from Matthew, Chapter 5:1-12 USCCB.org
“When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain,
and after he had sat down, his disciples came to him.
He began to teach them, saying:
‘Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the land.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the clean of heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you
and utter every kind of evil against you falsely because of me.
Rejoice and be glad,
for your reward will be great in heaven.’”
Week Nine –Suggested Homework Activities
Please help your child read and memorize this week.
The Greatest Commandment
“You shall love the Lord, your God,
with all your heart,
with all your soul,
and with all your mind.
This is the greatest and the first commandment.
The second is like it:
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.”
USCCB.org Matthew, chapter 22:34-40
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Eight
Family Discussion
“Help your child to appreciate and treasure the gift of God’s forgiveness.”
Talk to your child about the treasures of reconciliation. Have them write down, in any style they wish, the gifts they will be receiving.
Week Seven–Suggested Homework Activities
Please read the Beatitudes out loud with your child. Help them understand the language.
If you have a young child, you can follow the abridged version below the original.
The Beatitudes
“The Beatitudes are the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-10). Jesus teaches us that if we live according to the Beatitudes, we will live a happy Christian life. The Beatitudes fulfill God’s promises made to Abraham and his descendants and describe the rewards that will be ours as loyal followers of Christ.”
“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the land.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the clean in heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
Source: The Beatitudes/Loyola Press
Week Six–Suggested Homework Activities
“Bless the LORD, all you angels,
you ministers, who do his will.”
Psalms 103, Number 20
Please work on memorizing the “Guardian Angel Prayer.”
“Angel of God, my guardian dear,
To whom God’s love commits me here,
Ever this day, be at my side,
To light, to guard, to rule, and guide.”
Weeks Four and Five–Suggested Homework Activities
Please help your child understand the meaning of the seven Sacraments.
“A sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.”
Source: YourCatholicGuide.com
The Seven Sacraments
Anointing of the Sick
Holy Orders
Week Three–Suggested Homework Activities
The Seven Sacraments–Read With Your Child and Discuss
Week Two–Suggested Homework Activities
Please read the following passage from MagnifiKid! Page 8, September 12, 2021, Vol. 18. Part 10. Section 3 with your child and help him or her understand the concept and vocabulary words that might be challenging.
“Carrying your cross”
“Jesus insists that his followers take up their crosses and follow him. In his great love for us, Jesus carried his own cross all the way to the end. He warns us that being a disciple won’t be easy. Jesus doesn’t expect us to literally carry a piece of wood on our back, but rather to accept the hardships of daily life. ‘Carrying your cross’ means fighting selfishness and discouragement, and accepting with patience and love the difficulties that God allows us to suffer.”
Week One– Suggested Homework Activities
Suggested Homework Activities-Week One, September 5, 2021
Please help your child memorize The Lord’s Prayer listed below. The goal is to be able to recite the prayer from memory by the following week.
Week Thirty-Five Suggested Homework Activities
Please read “The Last Supper” (Matthew 26:17-30; Luke 22:14-20) in Catholic Book of Bible Stories on pages 172-174, or in your own family Bible, or from the USCCB.org. Please read “Faith to Grow” on page 175 of the book.
Excerpt from Catholic Book of Bible Stories Page 174
“Jesus took the bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to his disciples. Then he took a cup, blessed it, and gave it to them. “Drink it, all of you,” he said; “this is my blood, poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”
“Prayer” Page 175
“Thank you, God, for giving us the precious Eucharist to remember you.
In the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”
Please read the Nicene Creed out loud .
Week Thirty-Four–Suggested Homework
Talk with your child about these two questions. Ask them to write down their short answers.
“During this Sunday’s Mass I will thank God especially for…”
“During this week, my family will thank God especially for…”
Source: We Believe and Celebrate First Communion pages 52-53
Please read page 223 “I am the Bread of Life” John 6:22-70 from Catholic Book of Bible Stories.
“Just like your stomach gets hungry, your soul gets hungry, too. So how can you feed your soul? You feed your soul with God’s life-giving words in the Bible. We hear God’s words during mass when the Gospel is read. We also feed our souls by sharing the body and blood of Jesus when we receive Communion.” By Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton
Please read “The Good Shepherd” from John 10:11-18 from your family Bible or online from USCCB.org.
Please read aloud the “Luminous Mysteries” of the Rosary to learn what happens in Jesus’ life as he nears His crucifixion. As you pray the Rosary, please read the “mysteries” every Sunday for the next five weeks as we approach Lent. This week please read and learn about “The Institution of the Eucharist.”
The “Luminous Mysteries” from Rosary-Center.Org
Week Thirty- Three–Suggested Homework Activities
An Excerpt from MagnifiKid! April 18, 2021 Vol. 18. Part 5. Section 6. Pages 2 & 4
“Knowing God’s word”
“Open your Bible to the Acts of the Apostles. Read the first two chapters to learn more about the birth of the Church and the preaching of the Apostles.”
“The Acts of the Apostles”
“From Easter to Pentecost, we do not read from the Old Testament for the first reading, but rather listen to a passage from the Acts of the Apostles. The book was written by Saint Luke. It is located in the Bible just after the Gospels. Luke tells about what happened after the Death and Resurrection of Jesus–how the Apostles gave witness to what they had seen. It is the story of the beginning of the Church.”
Week Thirty-two–Suggested Homework Activities
If you have not already, please read the “Glorious Mysteries” of the Rosary to learn what happens after Jesus is crucified. As you pray the Rosary, please read one every Sunday for five weeks during this Easter season.
The Glorious Mysteries (These are recited Wednesdays and Sundays)
- “THE RESURRECTION (Matthew 28:5-6)”
- “THE ASCENSION (Mark 16:15)”
- “THE ASSUMPTION (Revelation 12:6)”
- “THE CORONATION” (Revelation 12:1)”
The Glorious Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
Please read John, chapter 20:19-29 from USCCB.org.
Also read “The Road to Emmaus” Luke 24:13-35 in the Catholic Book of Bible Stories pages 188-190. Please have your child read out loud, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer.”
For additional Enrichment: “On the Road to Emmaus” (Luke 24; John 20) pages 278-279 in The Children’s Illustrated Bible has helpful illustrations and information about the town of Emmaus, the disappearing of Jesus, and includes a French illustrated manuscript of “Doubting Thomas.”
Easter Sunday– Week Thirty-One–No Homework
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Thirty
Begin to read the “Glorious Mysteries” of the Rosary to learn what happens after Jesus is crucified. Please read one a day after Easter Sunday for the following weeks of Easter .
The Glorious Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
- “The body of Jesus is placed in the tomb on the evening of Good Friday.
- His soul descends into the realm of the dead to announce to the Just the tidings of their redemption.
- Fearing the body of Jesus will be taken, the chief priests place guards at the tomb.
- On the third day Jesus rises from the dead, glorious and immortal.
- The earth quakes as the angel rolls back the stone, the guards flee in terror.
- The holy women coming to anoint the body of Jesus are amazed and frightened to find the tomb open.
- An angel calms their fears: ‘He is not here. He has risen as He said.’
- Jesus appears to Mary Magdalen and Peter and two disciples on the way to Emmaus.
- That evening He appears to the apostles behind locked doors: ;Peace be unto you… do not be afraid.’
- Jesus breathes on them and gives them the power to forgive sin.”
Spiritual Fruit: Faith
The Rosary Coloring Sheet from CatholicMom.com
Click to Enlarge–Follow Printer Prompts to Print
Week Twenty-Nine–Suggested Homework Activities
Please read with your child the following from MagnifiKid! March 21, 2021:
The Kyrie
“Kyrie eleison” is Greek for ‘Lord, have mercy.’
It is a very old prayer that we use to say that we are sorry for our sins.
We ask the Lord to have mercy on us because we are weak.
God forgives us and helps us.
Then we are ready to listen to his Word and to receive his Body and Blood.”
Growing in God’s friendship
“This week, on your way to school each morning (or preparing to work at home)
say this little prayer to the Holy Spirit:
‘Holy Spirit, teach me to pray and help me to love…
Draw me closer to Jesus and make me a friend of God.”
Your prayer after Communion
“After receiving Holy Communion, you can say this prayer silently to yourself.
If you have not yet received your First Holy Communion, you can still say this prayer because of your desire to receive Jesus:”
“Father, through Jesus Christ, in union with the whole Church, I thank you for coming into my heart.
Thank you for drawing us here today and writing your law on our hearts.
May this Communion in the Body and Blood of your Son strengthen us, and make us bear fruit for your glory.”
Week Twenty-Eight–Suggested Homework Activities
Please continue reading out loud with your child or children:
The Nicene Creed
“I believe in one God, the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.”
Week Twenty-Seven–Suggested Homework Activities
Please read out loud with your child or children:
The Nicene Creed
“I believe in one God, the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.”
Week Twenty-Six–Suggested Homework Activities
Read the “Luminous Mysteries” from the Rosary.
Week Twenty-Five–Suggested Homework Activities
Please read with your children the longer version of “The Temptation of Jesus” in Matthew, Chapter 1:1-11.
Discuss this passage of Scripture with your child/children.
Art Project–Bubble Wrap Cross on Painted Background
First step–Paint watercolor paper with any color and type of paint you wish. Then, paint a sheet of bubble wrap or other fun material (aluminum foil, cardboard, etc.). Cut dry bubble wrap into the shape of a cross. Glue with Mod Podge or any white glue onto dry painted sheet of watercolor paper. I use watercolor paper for almost all my projects because it is very strong and heavy. I chose black and gray (black and white mixed for gray) for the background and black on the bubble wrap for a Lenten cross.
Week Twenty-Four–Suggested Homework Activities
Here is a Lent chart for children
Week Twenty-Three– Suggested Homework Activities
Please Read with Your Children:
“The Greatest Commandment” Taught To Us By Jesus
Read the “Luminous Mysteries” aloud with your children, reading on each day. Thursdays are the usual day for reading the “Luminous Mysteries” but this is a wonderful way for children to learn about the life of Jesus Christ:
“1. Baptism of Christ Matthew 3:16-17
2. Jesus’ First Miracle John 2:5-7
3. Proclamation of the Kingdom Matthew 10:7-8
4. The Transfiguration Luke 9:29, 35
5. Institution of the Eucharist Luke 22:19-20″
Source: Catholic Icing, Weaving the Faith Page 66
Week Twenty-Two–Suggested Homework Activities
Get Ready for Lent! Ash Wednesday is February 17th. Here are some ideas for family activities during Lent.
Week Twenty-One–Suggested Homework Activities
Please read from Exodus, chapter 32:31-32 with your children.
“When Moses came down from the mountain after receiving the tablet of the Law, he found the people worshipping the statue of a golden calf.
Moses had been gone for a long time, and the people assumed that he and God had abandoned them.
So, they made a new god for themselves out of gold.
Moses destroyed the idol and asked God to forgive his people.
Then Moses told the people about the Ten Commandments and the new covenant with the Lord.”
Discuss “The Great Commandment” with your family and read Matthew, chapter 22:36-40 on the USCCB.org or in your family Bible.
Week Twenty–Suggested Activities for Homework
Please read out loud with your child to start the learning process. Discuss the meaning of the word “Creed.”
Week Nineteen–Suggested Homework Activities
Invite your child to write out “An Act of Contrition” in hand writing or printing. There is a connection in memorizing or remembering material by writing the information by hand, as opposed to using a computer.
Here is the simplest form that I have seen:
“Dear God, I am sorry for all my sins. I am sorry for the wrong things I have done. I am sorry for the good things I have failed to do. I will do better with your help. Amen.
“Source: Blessed First Reconciliation Page 158
Liturgical Colors
Week Eighteen–Suggested Homework Activities
For First Reconciliation have your child write out by hand, “An Act of Contrition.” If they would like, your child can do this over five days, writing one sentence each day.
2020 - 2021 Homework
Week Seventeen-“The Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord”
No Homework
Week Sixteen-Suggested Homework Activities
Read “Jesus is Presented in the Temple” from a Catholic child’s Bible. An excellent resource is The Catholic Children’s Bible pages, 1576-1577 Luke, chapter 2:22-38
Discuss the following words with your children: temple, purification (a cleansing bath), “dedicated to the Lord,” and sacrifice.
Please help your child learn the vocabulary from the Sacred Items Worksheet below:
Suggested Homework Activities– Week Fifteen–“Christmas Art Gallery”–No Homework!
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Fourteen
Family Discussion–“Are you surprised that Jesus was born in a cave?” “What do you think that would have been like for the family?”
Please read with your children: “The Birth of Jesus” in a Catholic children’s Bible, your family Bible or on the USCCB.org website Luke 2:1-7.
Excerpt from The Catholic Bible for Children– “The Birth of Jesus” Pages 102-103
“The Roman emperor ordered a great census to count all the people on earth. Joseph and Mary set out for Bethlehem, in the land of Joseph’s family. However, it was almost time for Mary’s baby to be born, and she was tired out by the long journey.”
“In Bethlehem, Joseph knocked on every door, trying to find a room, but there was no place left for them anywhere. So Mary and Joseph took shelter in a stable. That night, the child was born. Mary wrapped him up and laid him in the animals’ manger.”
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Thirteen
Invite your child to make a drawing or painting of a heart and cross, to illustrate Jesus’ love for us. Both of these symbols are powerful and easy for children of all ages to make. Gather your art supplies and begin. I like to use watercolor paper for any painting job, because it is sturdy and can be displayed easily. The painting supplies above show what I used.
Here is an example:
This painting uses two pieces of paper–black construction paper, and white watercolor paper for the painting. I used thin painter’s tape to make the cross on the watercolor paper. Then I painted the watercolor paper with watercolors and watercolor pastels. I didn’t like the effect, so I rubbed it all over while wet with my finger tips to give it “texture.” When it had dried, I pulled off the painter’s tape, cut out a heart shape, and pasted it to the construction paper. I liked the effect!
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Twelve–Week One of Advent
This week, buy or make an Advent wreath with 3 purple candles, one rose candle for week three, and one white candle for lighting the other candle.
Please read the Gospel for Sunday, November 29, 2020, with your children:
Gospel MK 13:33-37
“Jesus said to his disciples:
‘Be watchful! Be alert!
You do not know when the time will come.
It is like a man traveling abroad.
He leaves home and places his servants in charge,
each with his own work,
and orders the gatekeeper to be on the watch.
Watch, therefore;
you do not know when the Lord of the house is coming,
whether in the evening, or at midnight,
or at cockcrow, or in the morning.
May he not come suddenly and find you sleeping.
What I say to you, I say to all: ‘Watch!'”
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Eleven
Family Discussion
Talk to your children about the gifts God gives us. For example, what if a child was give, by God, the gift of exceptional intelligence but all he wanted to do was play video games. Over the years, the child remained the same–uninterested in learning or in doing homework, he simply wanted to watch television and play with his games. What do you think God would have thought about the gifts he gave the child and how the boy squandered them?
Writing a Prayer
Please encourage your children to write a prayer of Thanksgiving.
Start your prayer, “Thank you, God….”
Suggested Activities for Homework–Week Ten
Please read this excerpt from the “Book of Wisdom” chapter 6:12-16 with your child. Discuss the meanings of the words in BOLD:”
“Resplendent and unfading is wisdom,
and she is readily perceived by those who love her,
and found by those who seek her.
She hastens to make herself known in anticipation of their desire;
Whoever watches for her at dawn shall not be disappointed,
for he shall find her sitting by his gate.
For taking thought of wisdom is the perfection of prudence,
and whoever for her sake keeps vigil
shall quickly be free from care;
because she makes her own rounds, seeking those worthy of her,
and graciously appears to them in the ways,
and meets them with all solicitude.”
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Nine
Family Discussion: How many of you have the names of saints? You can Google it, if you don’t know about your name. I did and found out my first name, Constance, was the name of a 1st century Roman saint. I then realized that my middle name, Paul, chosen because it was my great grandmother’s maiden name, was an Apostle and revered Christian saint! I had dropped my middle name after I got married and stopped using the name “Paul.”
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Eight
Please read with your child:
USCCB.org Luke, chapter 19, “Zacchaeus the Tax Collector.”
“At that time, Jesus came to Jericho and intended to pass through the town.
Now a man there named Zacchaeus,
who was a chief tax collector and also a wealthy man,
was seeking to see who Jesus was;
but he could not see him because of the crowd,
for he was short in stature.
So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus,
who was about to pass that way.
When he reached the place, Jesus looked up and said,
‘Zacchaeus, come down quickly,
for today I must stay at your house.’
And he came down quickly and received him with joy.
When they all saw this, they began to grumble, saying,
‘He has gone to stay at the house of a sinner.’
But Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord,
‘Behold, half of my possessions, Lord, I shall give to the poor,
and if I have extorted anything from anyone
I shall repay it four times over.’
And Jesus said to him,
‘Today salvation has come to this house
because this man too is a descendant of Abraham.
For the Son of Man has come to seek
and to save what was lost.’
Please talk to your child about “making amends” for things we have done that we feel badly about–being unkind; using bad language, quarreling with a family member, etc. How can we make up for things we wish we hadn’t done or said?
Help your child with the definition of “salvation.” (Hint–being saved, saved)
“Called to beatitude but wounded by sin, man stands in need of salvation from God. Divine help comes to him in Christ through the law that guides him and the grace that sustains him:
- “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for God is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.1″
- Source: Catechism of the Catholic Church
“The redemption of human nature in and through Christ.” Source: Fr. William Goldin
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Seven
Family Discussion
“Help your child to appreciate and treasure the gift of God’s forgiveness.”
Talk to your child about the treasures of reconciliation. Have them write down, in any style they wish, the gifts they will be receiving.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Six
Please focus on the “basic” prayers; and read “An Act of Reconciliation” out loud, daily, to enhance memorization.
Begin to discuss “The Liturgical Colors” with your child—-Violet (purple), Red, Rose, Green and Gold/White.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Five
Please read from Exodus, chapter 32:31-32 with your children.
Discuss “The Great Commandment” with your family and read Matthew, chapter 22:36-40 on the USCCB.org or in your family Bible. Discuss with your child why Holy Scripture is a part of Examination of Conscience and Reconciliation.
Begin to learn about the Ten Commandments. Here is a simplified edition for children:
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Four
Talk with your child about the importance of promises. Here is an excerpt from MagnifiKid!. September 27, 2020.Vol. 17. Part 10. Section 5. Page 2-3. By Lisa Reno:
“He gives his word”
“…Are we champion of empty words, or do we do what we say we are going to do? Our word is only valuable if we keep it, if we carry it out. Jesus is the one who promised he would do the will of his Father. He always put into practice what he taught to the crowds and to his friends. He asks us again today to do what God wants, to listen to his Word, to reflect upon it, and then put it into practice by loving and respecting our brothers and sisters.”
Draw with any supplies you have on hand, the symbols of the story of Abraham and how God kept His promise to Abraham:
Symbols of Abraham–Stars, Sky, Tent, Desert, Sarah, Covered Head, Sacrifice, Fire, and the Terebinth Tree
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Three
Please read the story of “Noah’s Ark” in a Catholic Children’s Bible or your own family Bible. It is long, covering several chapters, in “Genesis” on the USCCB.com website.
Invite your children to draw or paint a picture about Noah and the flood using whatever tools you have on hand.
Talk about the important aspects of “Noah’s Ark”: God’s talking to Noah, the Ark, animals two by two, forty days and forty nights of rain, the raven, the dove, the dove with an olive leaf in its beak, God’s promise, God’s forgiveness, and the rainbow.
Continue to read and practice the prayers below:
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Two
Read about Adam and Eve from a Catholic children’s Bible, the family Bible or on line at USCCB.org “Adam and Eve”.
Talk to your children about their own baptism. Most of us are baptized as an infant, but many people are baptized later in life. If you have photos, share them with your child, and any other mementos, such as the Baptismal certificate.
Chose an art project today from this week’s choices. Don’t worry about perfection. Just have fun.
Continue to help your child memorize the prayers, below.
Welcome to Week One of SundaySchoolUpdates.com– September 5, 2020–Suggested Homework Activities
Parents, this week please read about “The Creation Story” with your child from your family Bible, a Catholic children’s Bible, or use the links provided for the readings on the USCCB.org this week.
Look at the children’s Catholic prayers and make sure your children know the following: “The Sign of the Cross”, “The Glory Be”, and “The Lord’s Prayer”.
Invite your child to sing along with one of the songs on this post.
Have your child draw or paint about “The Creation Story” in a manner that suits them.
Have fun!
Week Thirty-Two–Suggested Homework Activities
This week, please read “John, chapter 6:60-69” with your children. Help them with new words or concepts, such as: “murmuring”, “ascending”, “no avail”, “betray”, “granted”, “former way of life”, “eternal”. You can read from a Catholic Children’s Bible, your family Bible, or the excerpt below from the USCCB.org.
Source: USCCB.org
“Many of the disciples of Jesus who were listening said,
‘This saying is hard; who can accept it?’
Since Jesus knew that his disciples were murmuring about this,
he said to them, ‘Does this shock you?
What if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before?
It is the Spirit that gives life, while the flesh is of no avail.
The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and life.
But there are some of you who do not believe.’
Jesus knew from the beginning the ones who would not believe
and the one who would betray him.
And he said, ‘For this reason I have told you that no one can come to me
unless it is granted him by my Father.’
As a result of this,
many of his disciples returned to their former way of life
and no longer walked with him.
Jesus then said to the Twelve, ‘Do you also want to leave?’
Simon Peter answered him, ‘Master, to whom shall we go?
You have the words of eternal life.
We have come to believe
and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.’”
Teach your children the meanings of these three words: ASCEND, DESCEND, TRANSCEND.
Talk about how each word is related to Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Week Thirty-One–Suggested Homework Activities
Learning About the Holy Spirit– Readings from MagnifiKid! May 17, 2020. Vol. 17. Part 6. Section 4
“Recognizing the Holy Spirit” Page 2
“In the evening, think about the different moments of your day and choose the one that brought you the most joy and peace. It could be some encouragement from your teacher, a smile from a person you have helped, the beauty of a flower…”
“Pray to the Holy Spirit” Page 3
“In your prayers, ask the Holy Spirit to breathe love into you as you go through your day. If you are afraid of a person or a situation that has been worrying you, put your trust in the Holy Spirit.”
“The Holy Spirit’s names” Page 8
“In the Bible, the Holy Spirit has many different names. In the Old Testament, he is called the Spirit of God, Breath of the Almighty, Spirit of Understanding, the Spirit of power. In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit is called the Comforter, Paraclete, Advocate, the Spirit of Truth, of promise, f eternity, the Spirit of Life, Spirit of Grace, of wisdom…Each of these names helps Christians to better understand, notice, and accept how the Holy Spirit is working in their lives
Week Thirty–Suggested Homework Activities
In Honor of Mother’s Day, We Pray the Rosary
Please read one of each of the “Glorious Mysteries” this week. An excellent source for Praying the Rosary comes from Kindercraze.com and is a free download.
Week Twenty-Nine–Suggested Homework Activities
Please help your child learn “The Apostles’ Creed” by heart. Reading the prayer out loud is a fast way to memorize. Try reading it out loud 3-5 times a day. You can also try learning 3 lines a day until the prayer is memorized.Discuss the job of “shepherd,” with your child. My grandfather grew up on a cattle ranch in Northern California, then after a career in business, he retired and raised sheep on his ranch. He took great care of his sheep and would protect the babies from predators such as eagles, coyotes, and even dogs. He used an old Army Jeep to cover the rugged terrain. Sometimes he would have to put an injured sheep or abandoned lamb in his Jeep to bring it to his house and care for it. He was an excellent shepherd.
Week Twenty-Eight–Suggested Homework Activities
Note* CatholicMom.com offers free pages for praying the Rosary for children.
Praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
When you pray the Rosary, please read about one Glorious Mystery each Sunday with your children. Use your family Bible instead of a child’s Bible for this experience.
The Glorious Mysteries (These are recited Wednesdays and Sundays)
- “THE RESURRECTION (Matthew 28:5-6)”
- “THE ASCENSION (Mark 16:15)”
- “THE ASSUMPTION (Revelation 12:6)”
- “THE CORONATION” (Revelation 12:1)”
Week Twenty-Seven-Suggested Homework
If you have not already, please read the “Glorious Mysteries” of the Rosary to learn what happens after Jesus is crucified. As you pray the Rosary, please read one every Sunday for five weeks during this Easter season.
The Glorious Mysteries (These are recited Wednesdays and Sundays)
- “THE RESURRECTION (Matthew 28:5-6)”
- “THE ASCENSION (Mark 16:15)”
- “THE ASSUMPTION (Revelation 12:6)”
- “THE CORONATION” (Revelation 12:1)”
The Glorious Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
Please read John, chapter 20:19-29 from USCCB.org.
Also read “The Road to Emmaus” Luke 24:13-35 in the Catholic Book of Bible Stories pages 188-190. Please have your child read out loud, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer.”
For additional Enrichment: “On the Road to Emmaus” (Luke 24; John 20) pages 278-279 in The Children’s Illustrated Bible has helpful illustrations and information about the town of Emmaus, the disappearing of Jesus, and includes a French illustrated manuscript of “Doubting Thomas.” I always learn from this excellent resource.
Suggested Homework-Week Twenty-Six
This week we are celebrating Easter and there is no homework.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Twenty-Five
Begin to read the “Glorious Mysteries” of the Rosary to learn what happens after Jesus is crucified. Please read one a day after Easter Sunday for the following weeks of Easter .
The Glorious Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
- “The body of Jesus is placed in the tomb on the evening of Good Friday.
- His soul descends into the realm of the dead to announce to the Just the tidings of their redemption.
- Fearing the body of Jesus will be taken, the chief priests place guards at the tomb.
- On the third day Jesus rises from the dead, glorious and immortal.
- The earth quakes as the angel rolls back the stone, the guards flee in terror.
- The holy women coming to anoint the body of Jesus are amazed and frightened to find the tomb open.
- An angel calms their fears: ‘He is not here. He has risen as He said.’
- Jesus appears to Mary Magdalen and Peter and two disciples on the way to Emmaus.
- That evening He appears to the apostles behind locked doors: ;Peace be unto you… do not be afraid.’
- Jesus breathes on them and gives them the power to forgive sin.”
Spiritual Fruit: Faith
The Rosary Coloring Sheet from CatholicMom.com
Click to Enlarge–Follow Printer Prompts to Print
Week Twenty-Four–Suggested Homework Activities
Parents, please read first, then read the following material to your child.
Help them through the Liturgy of the Eucharist, below.
Help them to read the “Prayer after Communion” out loud.
“The Liturgy of the Eucharist”
“This liturgy begins with the preparation of the gifts of bread and wine.
In the Preface, we praise God the Father and cry out, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy!’
In the Eucharist Prayer, the Priest calls down the Holy Spirit upon the bread and wine, and does what Jesus did at the Last Supper.
We then pray the Our Father, just as Jesus taught us. After that, we may offer peace to one another in preparation for Communion.
Mass concludes with the Prayer after Communion and the Final Blessing.”
“Kneeling during the Eucharistic Prayer”
“Our body posture can help to express the feelings we have inside of us.
To kneel during the Eucharist Prayer is a sign of our reverence and awe for the great miracle that takes place on the altar—the changing of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.
Kneeling is also a sign of humble prayer in the presence of God.”
“Lamb of God”
“Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world. Have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world. Grant us peace.”
“Invitation to Communion—”
Priest: Behold the Lamb of God, behold
him who takes away the sins of the world.
Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.”
All Say: “Lord, I am not worthy
that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the word
and my soul shall be healed.”
“Your prayer after Communion”
After receiving Holy Communion, you can say this prayer silently to yourself.
If you have not yet received your First Communion, you can still say this prayer because of your desire to receive Jesus.
“Father, through Jesus Christ, in union with the whole Church, I thank you for coming into my heart.
It’s never too late to receive your love and forgiveness.
It’s never too late to thank you for your gifts.
By the power of this Eucharist, help me to bring hope to those who suffer. Amen.
MagnifiKid!. March 29, 2020. “Fifth Sunday of Lent.” Pages 8-9, 10-11. Vol. 17.Part 4. Section 6
MagnifiKid!. April 26, 2020. “Third Sunday of Easter.” Pages 8-9 Vol. 17. Part 5. Section 7
Week Twenty-Three–Suggested Homework Activities
Activities about Baptism from MagnifiKid! pages 2-3, 12:
“Thank God for your baptism”
(Note: You can forgo using the holy water in this time of the Corona virus. Simply make the gesture and say a prayer to thank God.)
“When you go to Mass this Sunday, make a slow and reverent sign of the cross with water from the holy water font as you enter the church. Let the water and gesture remind you of what it means to be baptized. Thank God for this new life.”
“Remember the day of your baptism.”
“This week, go in search of some memories of your baptism. You could find some photos, a DVD, your baptismal gown, or your baptismal candle. Ask your parents or grandparents to tell you what hey remember about that wonderful day.”
“Bringing it All Together”
“Make a nice sign of the cross and say this prayer to the Lord:
“Thank you, Lord, for my baptism, and for making me a child of God. Through you, I have received eternal life.”
“Pray Morning”
“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
“The Lord calls us; let us listen to him.”
“Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.”
“Praise to you, Lord, for giving me the Holy Spirit through baptism. Help me to express the joy of being baptized to everyone I meet.”
Week Twenty-Two–Suggested Homework Activities
MagnifiKid!, March 1, 2020, First Sunday of Lent, Vol. 17, Part 4, Section 2, Page 12 suggests that students make a “Lenten notebook” to write down things they are learning about Jesus. Your child doesn’t need to make a notebook, you can buy an inexpensive one for this purpose.
Here are some ideas from MagnifiKid that are easy to do:
For Family Discussion:
“Today you start on the path toward the rediscovery of your baptism. When you were baptized, your parents, speaking in your name, rejected evil. What does that mean?“
“We have to admit that some part of us makes it really easy to choose evil. We sometimes have to fight temptation in order to choose what is good. Sometimes we choose evil, which makes us and others unhappy. Our sinfulness is everything in us that pulls us away from God. Through our baptism, Christ pulls us out of the grasp of evil. He frees us to choose love, not sin.”
Writing Excercise:
“Open your Lenten notebook to page 2 and after “I reject” write the phrase: ‘Satan, sin, obedience and all evil.'”
“Make the sign of the cross and say this prayer:
‘Thank you, Lord, for facing
temptation in the desert.
You conquered evil for me
and for all people. Help
me always listen to your
word. Help me to love and obey you always.'”
Week Twenty-One–Suggested Homework Ideas
“Ash Wednesday, Lent Begins”
Use the worksheet below to plan activities your child, and family, can do over Lent:
Week Twenty–Suggested Homework Ideas
“Bringing It All Together”
“Here is a list of the Ten Commandments. Most of them tell us what not to do. In the spaces provided, list some of the good things that a child of God should do.”
“You shall worship the Lord your God and only Him should you serve.”
“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.”
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”
“Honor your father and your mother.”
“You shall not kill.”
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”
You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.”
“You shall not covet anything that is your neighbor’s.”
Source: MagnifiKid! February 16, 2020. Vol. 17. Part 3. Section 4. Page 13
Encourage your child to memorize the Ten Commandments. Other, age-appropriate versions are here:
From A Child’s Guide to Reconciliation
Week Nineteen-Suggested Homework Activities
In preparation for First Holy Communion, invite your child to learn or to write a prayer for them to say after they have received the Eucharist. Here is one from MagnifiKid! February 9, 2020.Vol. 17. Part 3. Section 3. Pages 10-11:
“Father, through Jesus Christ, in union with the whole Church, I thank you for coming into my heart. Let your light shine in and through me as I begin the week ahead. Help me to love others as you love them.”
Prayer after Communion
From the “Liturgy of the Eucharist”
Please read out loud the prayer several times this week:
Priest: “O God, who have willed that we be partakers in the one Bread and the one Chalice, grant us, we pray, so to live that, made one in Christ, we may joyfully bear fruit for the salvation of the world. Through Christ our Lord.
Congregation: Amen.
Provide art/drawing supplies for your child to draw the Bread (Host) and Chalice, to reinforce the concepts. These drawings were made on watercolor paper with chalk dry pastels.
Week Eighteen-Suggested Homework Activities
Read “Jesus is Presented in the Temple” from a Catholic child’s Bible. An excellent resource is The Catholic Children’s Bible. pages, 1576-1577 Luke, chapter 2:22-38
Discuss the following words with your children: temple, purification, “dedicated to the Lord,” sacrifice.
Please help your child learn the vocabulary from the Sacred Items Worksheet below:
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Seventeen
This week, Praying the Rosary will be a “homework activity.”
How to Pray the Rosary Source: Catholic Child’s Prayer Book By Rev. Thomas J. Donaghy St. Joseph Junior Books, Page 15
“We begin the Rosary with the sign of the Cross (for this is the way that we begin all of our prayers.)
After this, we pray the Apostles’ Creed. This is a very ancient prayer that proclaims the important truths of our faith.
After the Apostle’s Creed, we pray one Our Father, three Hail Marys and one Glory Be.
Now we come to the most important reason we pray the Rosary: to meditate on the Mysteries of our Faith. We proclaim each of the five Mysteries, followed by one Our Father, ten Hail Marys, and one Glory Be.
Remember, the reason for praying the Rosary is not to tally how many prayers we can say. It is to meditate on God’s love as shown in the lives of Jesus and Mary. This is why we hold the Rosary while we pray, so that we can keep track of the number of prayers we have said.”
“The Third Luminous Mystery” Source: Rosary-Center.Org
- “Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.”
- “My kingdom is not of this world.”
- “Unless a man be born again of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.”
- “Whoever does not accept the kingdom of God as a little child will not enter into it.”
- “I have come to call sinners, not the just.”
- “Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you.”
- “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
- “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be satisfied.”
- “Blessed are they who suffer persecution for justice’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
- “You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church… I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.”
“Spiritual Fruit: Desire for Holiness”
Please read a from Catholic Child’s Bible with your child about “The Sermon on the Mount.”
Below is an excerpt from A Catholic Baby’s First Bible. It is simple and lovely for children 4-7 years of age:
“Jesus Speaks to the People” Page 67
Matthew 5:1-12; 6:5-15 Luke 6:17-26; 11:1-5
“One day Jesus went to a mountain top and spoke to the people. He said, ‘Love everyone, even those who are not kind to you. Treat others as you want them to treat you, and ask God your Father for whatever you need.'”
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Sixteen
A Suggestion for Praying from MagnifiKid! January 19, 2020, Page 2
“In his name”
“Did you know that the name Jesus in Hebrew means “God Saves”? When you pray, think about the name you are giving to Jesus. If you notice that you are always using the same name, try to change it so that you enrich the way you speak to the Lord.”
What is Your Name?
Discuss the meaning of your child’s name and why you chose it for him or her. Is your child named after a saint? I just learned that my first name, Constance, is the name of a first century saint who was martyred. I am sure my parents had no idea! I simply had to Google it, and there it was. With the Internet it is easy to look up the origin and meanings of names.
Read to Learn About Jesus’ Life
Please read the story of “Jesus in the Wilderness” from a child’s Catholic Bible, your family Bible, or on-line at USCCB.org. Matthew, chapter 4:1-11. Discuss with your child the word and meaning of “temptation”
What name does Jesus call the devil? (Satan)
How did Jesus defeat the devil? (By quoting Scripture and using logic.)
Suggested Homework Activities-Week Fifteen
Please read the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 3:13-17 with your children.
“The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord”
Source: USCCB.org “Gospel Mt 3:13-17″
“Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan
to be baptized by him.
John tried to prevent him, saying,
‘I need to be baptized by you,
and yet you are coming to me?’
Jesus said to him in reply,
‘Allow it now, for thus it is fitting for us
to fulfill all righteousness.’
Then he allowed him.
After Jesus was baptized,
he came up from the water and behold,
the heavens were opened for him,
and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove
and coming upon him.
And a voice came from the heavens, saying,
‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.’”
Talk with your child about Baptisms they might have seen in church. Talk about family members and friends who attended their baptism.
2019 - 2020 Homework
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Thirteen
Family Discussion–“Are you surprised that Jesus was born in a cave?” “What do you think that would have been like for the family?”
Please read with your children: “The Birth of Jesus” in a Catholic children’s Bible, your family Bible or on the USCCB.org website Luke 2:1-7.
Excerpt from The Catholic Bible for Children– “The Birth of Jesus” Pages 102-103
“The Roman emperor ordered a great census to count all the people on earth. Joseph and Mary set out for Bethlehem, in the land of Joseph’s family. However, it was almost time for Mary’s baby to be born, and she was tired out by the long journey.”
“In Bethlehem, Joseph knocked on every door, trying to find a room, but there was no place left for them anywhere. So Mary and Joseph took shelter in a stable. That night, the child was born. Mary wrapped him up and laid him in the animals’ manger.”
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Thirteen
Family Discussion–“Are you surprised that Jesus was born in a cave?” “What do you think that would have been like for the family?”
Please read with your children: “The Birth of Jesus” in a Catholic children’s Bible, your family Bible or on the USCCB.org website Luke 2:1-7.
Excerpt from The Catholic Bible for Children– “The Birth of Jesus” Pages 102-103
“The Roman emperor ordered a great census to count all the people on earth. Joseph and Mary set out for Bethlehem, in the land of Joseph’s family. However, it was almost time for Mary’s baby to be born, and she was tired out by the long journey.”
“In Bethlehem, Joseph knocked on every door, trying to find a room, but there was no place left for them anywhere. So Mary and Joseph took shelter in a stable. That night, the child was born. Mary wrapped him up and laid him in the animals’ manger.”
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Fourteen
There is no homework this week. Religious education class resumes January 11. I have a class of second and third graders who will begin preparing for First Holy Communion. I will share materials from the class, as well as additional enrichment for the families, on this website. Happy New Year! Connie Goldin
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Twelve–Advent Begins
This week bring an Advent wreath with 3 purple candles, one rose candle for week three, and one white candle for lighting the other candle. Read the prayers, above, from MagnifiKid! with your children. Read from a Catholic Children’s Bible, your family Bible or on-line from USCCB.org about the birth 0f Jesus:
USCCB.org Luke, chapter 2:1-14
“The Birth of Jesus.”
* In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus* that the whole world should be enrolled.
This was the first enrollment, when Quirinius was governor of Syria.
So all went to be enrolled, each to his own town.
And Joseph too went up from Galilee from the town of Nazareth to Judea, to the city of David that is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David,a
to be enrolled with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child.b
While they were there, the time came for her to have her child,
and she gave birth to her firstborn son.* She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.c
* Now there were shepherds in that region living in the fields and keeping the night watch over their flock.
The angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were struck with great fear.d
The angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.
* e For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord.
And this will be a sign for you: you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.’
And suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and saying:
* ‘Glory to God in the highestf
and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.'”
Note* The numbers, letters and markings are for footnotes explaining the meaning and significance of the Bible passage at the end. This is for additional study. Click on the link above for the USCCB.org page.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Eleven
Sunday, November 24, we celebrate “The Solemnity of Christ, King of the Universe.”
An Excerpt from MagnifiKid!, November 24, 2019. Vol. 16. Part 12. Section 6. Page 3. By Lisa Reno
Please read with your child:
“This Sunday’s feast is called ‘The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.’ If Christ is King, what kind of king is he? Where is his Kingdom? This Sunday’s Gospel doesn’t show us a royal throne. It shows us Jesus on the cross! Jesus is not a king of lands, riches and armies. He is a king of love. The cross shows us love that is stronger than evil and death. Today we celebrate a love that is greater than any power in the universe. We open our hearts to his power every time we make the sign of the cross. He does not force us to join his Kingdom: he offers it as a gift.”
Invite your child to make a drawing or painting of a heart and cross, to illustrate Jesus’ love for us. Both of these symbols are powerful and easy for children of all ages to make. Gather your art supplies and begin. I like to use watercolor paper for any painting job, because it is sturdy and can be displayed easily. The painting supplies above show what I used.
Here is an example:
This painting uses two pieces of paper–black construction paper, and white watercolor paper for the painting. I used thin painter’s tape to make the cross on the watercolor paper. Then I painted the watercolor paper with watercolors and watercolor pastels. I didn’t like the effect, so I rubbed it all over while wet with my finger tips to give it “texture.” When it had dried, I pulled off the painter’s tape, cut out a heart shape, and pasted it to the construction paper. I liked the effect!
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Ten
The quiz below is from “MagnifiKid!” October 20, 2019. Vol.16. Part II. Section 4. Pages 14-15
“How well do you know the land of Jesus?”
1. “What is the name of the town where Jesus was born?” (Bethlehem)
2. “What is the name of the town where Jesus grew up?” (Nazareth)
3. “In which region is the town of Nazareth located?” (Galilee)
4. “What is the name of the river that crosses the country where Jesus lived and in which John the Baptist performed
baptisms?” (Jordan)
5. “What is the name of the town in which Jesus performed his first miracle?” (Cana)
6. “What is the name of the capital of the country where Jesus lived?” (Jerusalem)
Suggested Homework Activities– Week Nine
Learn About Jesus Through the Mysteries of the Rosary
Read the Bible passage for one or more of the Joyful Mysteries each week. Help your child begin to name them.
The Joyful Mysteries ( Click to Read the Complete Joyful Mysteries.) These are recited Mondays and Saturdays
Rosary Coloring Page
from CatholicMom.com
Click to Enlarge and Print
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Eight
Please read with your child:
USCCB.org Luke, chapter 19, “Zacchaeus the Tax Collector.”
“At that time, Jesus came to Jericho and intended to pass through the town.
Now a man there named Zacchaeus,
who was a chief tax collector and also a wealthy man,
was seeking to see who Jesus was;
but he could not see him because of the crowd,
for he was short in stature.
So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus,
who was about to pass that way.
When he reached the place, Jesus looked up and said,
‘Zacchaeus, come down quickly,
for today I must stay at your house.’
And he came down quickly and received him with joy.
When they all saw this, they began to grumble, saying,
‘He has gone to stay at the house of a sinner.’
But Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord,
‘Behold, half of my possessions, Lord, I shall give to the poor,
and if I have extorted anything from anyone
I shall repay it four times over.’
And Jesus said to him,
‘Today salvation has come to this house
because this man too is a descendant of Abraham.
For the Son of Man has come to seek
and to save what was lost.’
Please talk to your child about “making amends” for things we have done that we feel badly about–being unkind; using bad language, quarreling with a family member, etc. How can we make up for things we wish we hadn’t done or said?
Help your child with the definition of “salvation.” (Hint–being saved, saved)
“Called to beatitude but wounded by sin, man stands in need of salvation from God. Divine help comes to him in Christ through the law that guides him and the grace that sustains him:
- “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for God is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.1″
- Source: Catechism of the Catholic Church
“The redemption of human nature in and through Christ.” Source: Fr. William Goldin
Suggested Homework Activities-Week Seven
Please read the following with your child:
Peace Prayer of Saint Francis
Source: LoyolaPress.com
“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”
Also, read:
“Prayer to the Holy Spirit”
Source: LoyolaPress.com
“Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.
And kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And you will renew the face of the earth.
by the light of the Holy Spirit
you have taught the hearts of your faithful.
In the same Spirit
help us to relish what is right
and always rejoice in your consolation.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.”
The Precepts of the Church
Source: LoyolaPress.com
Please read and discuss these rules with your child
“Attendance at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation (A special, Holy day that requires attendance at Mass by all Catholics)
Confession of serious sin at least once a year
Reception of Holy Communion at least once a year during the Easter season
Observance of the days of fast and abstinence
Providing for the needs of the Church”
Suggested Homework Activities-Week Six
Read, “The Parable of the Good Samaritan” from Luke, chapter 10:25-37, with your child. You can read the story from your family Bible, a Catholic children’s Bible, or on-line from the USCCB.org. Ask your child about several of the characters: the victim; the robbers; the two travelers who independently ignored the beaten person; the Samaritan (a person from Samaria); and, the innkeeper. Two new words can be learned from this story: “Samaritan,” a modern-day term for a helper in a bad situation; and “witness,” a person who sees something occur. Police and other first responders use the word “samaritan” as a legal term for a helpful person who becomes involved in a situation to assist someone. A person (a witness) who sees an accident may be contacted to tell what he or she saw. A witness can be for something happy, too, like a baptism, a wedding, or a purchase of something important, such as a home.
Invite your family to make a drawing or painting of “Liturgical Colors” and label each color with a Sharpie to indicate the seasons that use each of the colors: Advent (violet), Christmas (white), Ordinary Time (green), Lent (violet), Palm Sunday (Red), Good Friday (Red), Easter (white), Pentecost (Red), Ordinary Time (green). If you prefer, list the Seasons on the back of the painting or drawing. Here are six painted “Liturgical Colors” art projects:
Please Click HERE (scroll to bottom of post) to see “In the Beginning” in Genesis for print-making process. Please note, use children’s acrylic paint for making a print. Each painter needs two pieces of watercolor paper–one for the original, the second piece to place on top of the first painting. Press down on second sheet, then gently peel off to make a print. I almost always prefer the second print. It’s fun!
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Five
Teach your child the definitions for the following words:
conscience, examination, Holy Scripture, penance, confession, contrition, penitent, confessor
Please read about “A Woman Who Was Sorry” from Luke 7:36-38, 44-48, 50 with your child from your family Bible, a Catholic children’s Bible or on-line at USCCB.org
Encourage your child to think about the gifts of Reconciliation and to write down a few of them.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Four
Please read from Exodus, chapter 32:31-32 with your children.
Discuss “The Great Commandment” with your family and read Matthew, chapter 22:36-40 on the USCCB.org or in your family Bible. Discuss with your child why Holy Scripture is a part of Examination of Conscience and Reconciliation.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Three
Please read “The Parable of the Young and Foolish Women”with your child on the USCCB.org or in a family Bible, Matthew, chapter 25:1-13. You may also read the story in a Catholic Children’s Bible.
Invite your child to draw or paint a Paschal candle. Be sure to decorate with the year, crosses, and the Alpha and Omega symbols. The Alpha and Omega letters are Greek and mean, “The beginning” and “The end.” Christ is both. He is eternal.
Have your child draw or paint a Chi Rho, which is an early cross. Here is an example from an ancient church in Jerusalem:
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Two
Invite your child to practice reading “An Act of Contrition” out loud, to you daily. It will quickly be memorized.
Talk with your child about the meaning of “contrition” and “contrite.”
Please talk to your child about the “Baptismal Promises” made by friends and family at your child’s own Baptism.
Have your child write two “Baptismal Promises”, i.e. “I renounce Satan and his works.”; and, “I associate myself to Christ and believe…” Source: CatholicAnswers.org
Read with your child: “Zacchaeus the Tax Collector” Luke 19:1-10 Source: USCCB.org
When you next attend Mass:
Make sure your child blesses him or herself with holy water, and makes the Sign of the Cross.
Encourage your child to try the new skill of genuflecting before entering the row of seats.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week One
Please Have Your Child Read Aloud:
“God’s Blessing”
“God created the world.”
“Faith to Grow”
“God created everything on this earth, and
then he asked people to take care
of his creation.”
“Thank you for creating the world, Lord.
Your creation is beautiful!
In the name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Source: Catholic Book of Bible Stories by Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton
Illustrated by Doris Ettlinger, Page 11
Talk with Your Child About the Meaning of the “Golden Rule.”
“Do to others whatever you would have them do to you. This is the law and the prophets.” Matthew, chapter 7:12
2018 - 2019 Homework
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Twenty-Nine
This week, please read “Living Christ’s Way” Ephesians 6:13-18 from Catholic Book of Bible Stories Pages 200-203. Also please read the following message and prayer out loud:
“Faith to Grow”
“God wants us to act on the gifts of truth, righteousness, readiness, faith, and God’s Word. If we have those gifts, we become closer to him.”
“Lord, help me to be more like you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Amen
This portion of Ephesians 6:13-18 can also be found on the USCCB.Org or in your family Bible, or a Catholic Children’s Bible.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Twenty-Eight
This week, please read “John, chapter 6:60-69” with your children. Help them with new words or concepts, such as: “murmuring”, “ascending”, “no avail”, “betray”, “granted”, “former way of life”, “eternal”. You can read from a Catholic Children’s Bible, your family Bible, or the excerpt below from the USCCB.org.
Source: USCCB.org
“Many of the disciples of Jesus who were listening said,
‘This saying is hard; who can accept it?’
Since Jesus knew that his disciples were murmuring about this,
he said to them, ‘Does this shock you?
What if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before?
It is the Spirit that gives life, while the flesh is of no avail.
The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and life.
But there are some of you who do not believe.’
Jesus knew from the beginning the ones who would not believe
and the one who would betray him.
And he said, ‘For this reason I have told you that no one can come to me
unless it is granted him by my Father.’
As a result of this,
many of his disciples returned to their former way of life
and no longer walked with him.
Jesus then said to the Twelve, ‘Do you also want to leave?’
Simon Peter answered him, ‘Master, to whom shall we go?
You have the words of eternal life.
We have come to believe
and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.’”
Teach your children the meanings of these three words: ASCEND, DESCEND, TRANSCEND.
Talk about how each word is related to Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Twenty-Seven
There will be no homework during the Easter Holiday
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Twenty-Six
Begin to read the “Glorious Mysteries” of the Rosary to learn what happens after Jesus is crucified. Please read one a day after Easter Sunday for the following weeks of Easter .
The Glorious Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
- “The body of Jesus is placed in the tomb on the evening of Good Friday.
- His soul descends into the realm of the dead to announce to the Just the tidings of their redemption.
- Fearing the body of Jesus will be taken, the chief priests place guards at the tomb.
- On the third day Jesus rises from the dead, glorious and immortal.
- The earth quakes as the angel rolls back the stone, the guards flee in terror.
- The holy women coming to anoint the body of Jesus are amazed and frightened to find the tomb open.
- An angel calms their fears: ‘He is not here. He has risen as He said.’
- Jesus appears to Mary Magdalen and Peter and two disciples on the way to Emmaus.
- That evening He appears to the apostles behind locked doors: ;Peace be unto you… do not be afraid.’
- Jesus breathes on them and gives them the power to forgive sin.”
Spiritual Fruit: Faith
The Rosary Coloring Sheet from CatholicMom.com
Click to Enlarge–Follow Printer Prompts to Print
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Twenty-Five–“First Holy Communion”
First Holy Communion Review and Preparation
Please read the excerpt from page 34 of The Mass Book for Children. or, other children’s First Holy Communion book, on “The Mystery of Faith.”
“The Mystery of Faith”
“What a miracle!
God changed bread and wine
into the Body and Blood of Jesus.
This is the difficult part of the mystery of our faith.
Though it is difficult to understand,
Jesus did die.
He rose from the dead
and He will come again.
He is always with us.
He told us He is the Bread of Life
and that he will be with us always.
He told us to eat His Body
and drink His Blood
in remembrance of Him.
So even though it looks like bread and wine,
the Eucharist is really
the Body and Blood of Jesus!
Jesus told us so!”
Lenten Writing Activity
“Below is a list of words. Some of these words express a feeling or an attitude that might keep us from making progress or improving ourselves this Lent. Other words, on the contrary, describe attitudes that can help us to open our hearts as we journey toward Easter.”
“Joy, Jealousy, Silence, Fight, Patience, Laziness, Indifference, Eucharist, Be Helpful, Play Together,
Forgiveness, Honesty, Smile, Anger, Love, Selfishness, Pout, Cheat, Prayer”
“…Write down the obstacles that keep you from loving others, and write down what makes you glow with the love of God. If you think of other words that are not on the list, you can use them as well.” Excerpt from Page 13 “Bringing It All Together”
Source: MagnifiKid! April 7, 2019. Vol. 16. Part 5. Section 2. Page 13
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Twenty-Four–“Reconciliation”
Please read, “The Parable of The Prodigal Son” with your child. You can read “The Parable of the Lost Son” online at USCCB.Org, or from a Catholic Children’s Bible. Here is an excerpt from My First Communion Bible, Page 28:
“Jesus continued with this parable: ‘A man had two sons. The younger son asked for half of his father’s wealth and then wasted all of it partying. When a famine struck, the son had nothing to eat, not even animal slops. Finally, he decided to go home and humbly beg for his father’s forgiveness. But while he was on the road, his father caught sight of him.
He ran to his son, embraced him, and planned a huge feast. The older brother was angry because he was good all the time and never had a party. His father explained, ‘My son, you are always with me and everything I have is yours. We are celebrating because your brother was dead and is alive again; he was lost and has been found.'” (Luke 15:10-32)
From MagnifiKid! Vol. 16. Part 4. Section 7. Page 13 “Bringing It All Together:
“The Gospel this week teaches us that we can receive forgiveness at any time.”
Writing Activities for kids and families from MagnifiKid!
1. “Tell about a time when you, too, were sorry for something you did, or express it in a drawing.”
2. “Draw or tell about a time when you were jealous of a present that another person received.”
3. “…draw a picture or tell about a time when you were forgiven, as the father forgave his son and welcomed him back with open arms.”
4. “Write a prayer thanking the Lord for his patience and for welcoming us back to him.”
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Twenty-Three
From MagnifiKid! March 24, 2019 Vil.16. Part 4. Section 6. Page 3 By Lisa Reno
“Living in Hope”
“This week, try to look at people and events in your life through the eyes of hope. In your Lenten booklet, draw or tell about an act of charity or an attitude of hope that a person could show when faced with a difficult situation.”
If you don’t have a Lenten booklet or journal, write this exercise on the back of your art project before you start to paint, or when it is dry.
“Bringing it All Together” Page 13
“Sometimes it is hard to look at the people around us with the eyes of hope. To help us to have a more hopeful outlook, Jesus tells us to do these things: to give alms, to pray, and to fast.”
This week, encourage your children to discuss the meanings of almsgiving, praying, and fasting. Help them find opportunities to participate in these three activities.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Twenty-Two
The following stories are from, The Catholic Book of Bible Stories. If you have it, please read “Zacchaeus”, pages 165-166 (Luke 19:1-10). Please read page 167, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” as we learn more about Jesus’ forgiveness of sinners. If you haven’t already, please also read “The Good Samaritan” (Luke 10:25-37) pages 153-154, and “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” on page 155.(Or you can read the stories in your own Catholic Children’s Bible, or directly from your family Bible.)
Learn About Jesus Through the Mysteries of the Rosary
Over Lent, read the Bible passage for one of the Sorrowful Mysteries each Sunday. Help your child begin to name them.
The Sorrowful Mysteries (These are recited Tuesdays and Fridays)
THE CRUCIFIXION” (John 19:25-27)
Source: The Sorrowful Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
This week we learn about the “Scourging at the Pillar.” The full reading below is not for young children. Please read them the excerpt below My First Communion Bible.
The Third Sorrowful Mystery
“Jesus is Crowned”
- “Jesus answers Pilate that He is a king, but His kingdom is not of this world. Jn. 18:36
- In mockery the soldiers place a crown of thorns on His head. Mt. 27:29
- They put a reed in His right hand, a symbol of authority. Mt. 27:29
- They kneel before Him in derision: ‘Hail, King of the Jews.’ Mt. 27:29
- They spit on Him and taking the reed, strike Him on the head. Mt. 27:30
- Pilate presents Jesus to the crowd and says ‘Behold the Man.’ Jn. 19:5
- The crowd shouts: ‘Crucify Him! Crucify Him!’ Jn. 19:6
- Pilate asks: ‘Shall I crucify your King?’ Jn. 19:15
- They respond: ‘We have no king but Caesar.’ Jn. 19:15
- Though He was harshly treated, He submitted, and opened not His mouth.” Is. 53:7
“Pontius Pilate’s soldiers tied Jesus to a pillar and whipped him. Then they put a scarlet robe over his wounds and pressed a crown of thorns onto his head. ‘Hail, King of the Jews!’ they mocked. Then they continued to beat him with reeds and sticks.” Page 52
Art Project–“The Sacred Heart of Jesus”
This painting is actually a “drawing” with liquid watercolors and brushes, on watercolor paper. I include the cross, crown of thorns, the heart, rays of light (signifying “Holiness”) and the “sword” that pierced the side of Jesus. If you have young children, the heart and cross are a good place to start.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Twenty-One
Continue to Learn About Jesus Through the Mysteries of the Rosary
Please read the Bible passage for one of the Sorrowful Mysteries each Sunday for the next five weeks. Help your child name them.
The Sorrowful Mysteries (These are recited Tuesdays and Fridays)
Please read about the “Second Sorrowful Mystery” with your child, “The Scourging at the Pillar.” If you have a child under age eight, it might be helpful to edit it for his or her ability to process it. You might find a simplified version in a Catholic Child’s Bible, such as the Child’s Bible below:
Here is an excerpt for children from My First Communion Bible for “The Scourging At The Pillar” and “The Crowning of Thorns,” which is age-appropriate for young children:
“Pontius Pilate’s soldiers tied Jesus to a pillar and whipped him. Then they put a scarlet robe over his wounds and pressed a crown of thorns onto his head. ‘Hail, King of the Jews!’ they mocked. Then they continued to beat him with reeds and sticks.” Page 52
- THE CROWNING WITH THORNS (Matthew 27:28-29)
- THE CRUCIFIXION” (John 19:25-27)
- Jesus is taken before the High Priest where He is falsely accused, buffeted and insulted.
- The Jewish leaders take Jesus before Pilate, for only he can impose the death penalty.
- The robber, Barabbas, is preferred to Jesus.
- Pilate can “find no cause in Him”, yet to appease the Jews, he orders Jesus to be scourged.
- The scourge is made of leather thongs to which are attached small sharp bones.
- Jesus is bound to a pillar and cruelly scourged until His whole body is covered with deep wounds.
- The Lamb of God offers His suffering for the sins of mankind.
- Jesus suffers so much in His sacred flesh to satisfy, especially, for sins of the flesh.
- The prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled: “He was wounded for our iniquities, He was bruised for our sins.”
- Father, by the merits of Jesus in this painful scourging, have mercy on us and on the whole world.
Spiritual Fruit: Mortification of the senses
Source: The Sorrowful Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
Educational Lenten Activities for Kids
For activities for children 7-10 this Lenten season, I recommend My Catholic Lent and Easter Activity Book Written and Illustrated by Jennifer Galvin, which has twenty-seven “Reproducible Sheets for Home and School.” It covers all the important events in Christ’s life and death as He journeys to Jerusalem for the last time, including: An Act of Contrition, Ash Wednesday, Lent, Holy Week, Stations of the Cross, through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is helpful, fun and interesting. It costs $9.21 on Amazon Prime.
This week, please read from a Catholic Children’s Bible about the story of “Jesus and the Children” with your child: “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God.” (Mark, chapter 10:14) from Jesus of Nazareth The Story of His Life Written for Children by Mother Loyola.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Twenty
Learn About Jesus Through the Mysteries of the Rosary
Please read the Bible passage for one of the Sorrowful Mysteries each Sunday for the next five weeks. Help your child name them.
The Sorrowful Mysteries (These are recited Tuesdays and Fridays)
- THE CROWNING WITH THORNS (Matthew 27:28-29)
- THE CRUCIFIXION” (John 19:25-27)
The First Sorrowful Mystery: “THE AGONY IN THE GARDEN”
- “Jesus comes with his disciples to Gethsemani: ‘Stay here, while I go yonder and pray.
- Entering the garden with Peter, James, and John, Jesus prays, ‘My soul is sorrowful unto death.’
- Jesus sees the sins of all mankind, whose guilt He has taken upon Himself.
- He sees the wrath of the Father which His sufferings must appease.
- So great is his anguish that His sweat becomes as drops of blood falling to the ground.
- An angel appears to Him from heaven to strengthen Him.
- ‘Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet, not My will but Yours be done.’
- Finding the disciples asleep: ‘Could you not watch one hour with me?’
- Jesus is betrayed by Judas, cruelly bound and led away.
- Father, by the merits of the agony of Jesus in the Garden, have mercy on us and on the whole world.”
Source: The Sorrowful Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Nineteen
Please discuss the Sacraments with your children. Talk to them about their own baptism and your wedding. Perhaps they have seen an older sibling or relative receive their First Holy Communion or Confirmation. Show them pictures from these important events in your life and the children’s lives.
For an excellent book on the Seven Sacraments read, Child’s Guide to The Seven Sacraments By Elizabeth Ficocelli, Illustrations By Anne Catherine Blake.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Eighteen
Talk with your child about these two questions. Ask them to write down their short answers.
“During this Sunday’s Mass I will thank God especially for…”
“During this week, my family will thank God especially for…”
Source: We Believe and Celebrate First Communion pages 52-53
Please read page 223 “I am the Bread of Life” John 6:22-70 from Catholic Book of Bible Stories.
“Just like your stomach gets hungry, your soul gets hungry, too. So how can you feed your soul? You feed your soul with God’s life-giving words in the Bible. We hear God’s words during mass when the Gospel is read. We also feed our souls by sharing the body and blood of Jesus when we receive Communion.” By Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton
Please read “The Good Shepherd” from John 10:11-18 from your family Bible or online from USCCB.org.
Please read aloud the “Luminous Mysteries” of the Rosary to learn what happens in Jesus’ life as he nears His crucifixion. As you pray the Rosary, please read the “mysteries” every Sunday for the next five weeks as we approach Lent. This week please read and learn about “The Institution of the Eucharist.”
The “Luminous Mysteries” from Rosary-Center.Org
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Seventeen
Please talk to your children about The Ten Commandments. First Reconciliation requires the children know and understand how to make an “Examination of Conscience.” They will also need to practice saying “An Act of Contrition.” It is fine for them to hold a copy of it to read it, if they need to.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Sixteen
This week, Praying the Rosary will be a “homework activity.”
How to Pray the Rosary Source: Catholic Child’s Prayer Book By Rev. Thomas J. Donaghy St. Joseph Junior Books, Page 15
“We begin the Rosary with the sign of the Cross (for this is the way that we begin all of our prayers.)
After this, we pray the Apostles’ Creed. This is a very ancient prayer that proclaims the important truths of our faith.
After the Apostle’s Creed, we pray one Our Father, three Hail Marys and one Glory Be.
Now we come to the most important reason we pray the Rosary: to meditate on the Mysteries of our Faith. We proclaim each of the five Mysteries, followed by one Our Father, ten Hail Marys, and one Glory Be.
Remember, the reason for praying the Rosary is not to tally how many prayers we can say. It is to meditate on God’s love as shown in the lives of Jesus and Mary. This is why we hold the Rosary while we pray, so that we can keep track of the number of prayers we have said.”
“The Third Luminous Mystery” Source: Rosary-Center.Org
- “Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.”
- “My kingdom is not of this world.”
- “Unless a man be born again of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.”
- “Whoever does not accept the kingdom of God as a little child will not enter into it.”
- “I have come to call sinners, not the just.”
- “Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you.”
- “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
- “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be satisfied.”
- “Blessed are they who suffer persecution for justice’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
- “You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church… I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.”
“Spiritual Fruit: Desire for Holiness”
Please read a from Catholic Child’s Bible with your child about “The Sermon on the Mount.”
Here is an Excerpt from A Catholic Baby’s First Bible. It is simple and lovely for children 4-7 years of age.
“Jesus Speaks to the People” Page 67
Matthew 5:1-12; 6:5-15 Luke 6:17-26; 11:1-5
“One day Jesus went to a mountain top and spoke to the people. He said, ‘Love everyone, even those who are not kind to you. Treat others as you want them to treat you, and ask God your Father for whatever you need.'”
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Fifteen
Do some research with your children about the life and times of Jesus. For the art project, I wanted to see how the water jars looked that would have been used at the wedding at Cana. I read, “The Marriage Feast of Cana” from The Children’s Illustrated Bible which offers “side panels” on different aspects of life at the time of Christ. This story has drawings of water jars from the region, information on the town of Cana, and shows musical instruments that might have been played at a wedding long ago.
Please read from a Catholic Children’s Bible the story of “Jesus Calls His Disciples.” The Catholic Children’s Bible is an excellent book for a family’s library. Also, “The First Disciples” John, chapter 1:35-51 is available on USCCB.Org.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Fourteen
Please read the story of “The Baptism of Christ” with your child from a Catholic children’s Bible. Also, read from Holy Scripture:
“The Baptism of Jesus.” Luke, chapter 3:21-22
“After all the people had been baptized and Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, heaven was opened and the holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.’” Source: USCCB.Org
Please note there are wonderful picture books about the life of Jesus. Pictures help children’s comprehension and are great teaching tools.
Please click here for “Stories About Jesus.”
We resume homework activities this week, after the Christmas season.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Thirteen
Please read from a Catholic Children’s Bible and/or an illustrated children’s Bible about the story of the Three Magi, for enrichment and comprehension.
Here are two excellent references:
The Catholic Children’s Bible Matthew 2 “Visitors from the East” Pages 1447-1450
The Children’s Illustrated Bible “The Wise Men” Pages 196-197
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Nine
Read a Catholic child’s Bible story of “Finding Jesus in the Temple.”
The Catholic Children’s Bible is an excellent resource for families.
The material below is from this Bible, pages 1582-1583 “Jesus Obeys His Parents”
Discuss the following with your child:
“What is a temple?” (“a building for prayer and bringing gifts to God.”)
“What does the word “treasured” mean?” (valued very highly
“What does the word “favor” mean?” (“approval and support.”)
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Eight
Read “Jesus is Presented in the Temple” from a Catholic child’s Bible. An excellent resource is The Catholic Children’s Bible. pages, 1576-1577 Luke, chapter 2:22-38
Discuss the following words with your children: temple, purification, “dedicated to the Lord,” sacrifice.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Seven
Family Discussion–“Are you surprised that Jesus was born in a cave?”
Please read with your children: “The Birth of Jesus” in a Catholic children’s Bible, your family Bible or on the USCCB.org website Luke 2:1-7.
Excerpt from The Catholic Bible for Children– “The Birth of Jesus” Pages 102-103
“The Roman emperor ordered a great census to count all the people on earth. Joseph and Mary set out for Bethlehem, in the land of Joseph’s family. However, it was almost time for Mary’s baby to be born, and she was tired out by the long journey.”
“In Bethlehem, Joseph knocked on every door, trying to find a room, but there was no place left for them anywhere. So Mary and Joseph took shelter in a stable. That night, the child was born. Mary wrapped him up and laid him in the animals’ manger.”
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Six
Stephen is the first martyr in the Bible. Please read about “The Stoning of Stephen” in a Catholic Children’s Bible, your family Bible, or read it on USCCB.org. “Acts” chapter 7:51-60
“Praying for your beloved parents” from MagnifiKid! October 21, 2018, Vol. 15. Part II, Section 4. Page 5
“The Fourth Commandment states. “‘Honor your father and your mother: Be sure to thank God each day for the family he has given you: your parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts… You can bring them and all their concerns to God by saying a prayer for them.'”
Family Discussion: How can we serve others?
“Greatness in God’s Kingdom is not achieved by strength, but through loving service. Jesus invites all of his disciples, including us, to follow his example of humility, to live their lives for others.”
“Serving others”
“Ask your parents to help you find out how you can use your free time to serve others, by helping at your school, at the library, or in your parish.”
MagnifiKid!, Page 3
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Five
Abraham is the first prophet in the Bible. Please read about “God’s Call to Abram” in a Catholic Children’s Bible, your family Bible. or read it on USCCB.org. “Genesis” chapter 12:1-9
“Discovering True Riches” from MagnifiKid! October 14, 2018, Vol. 15. Part II, Section 3. Page 2
“On a piece of paper, make two columns. In the first column, draw or write down all of the things you have or care about that can be bought or sold. In the second column, write or draw those which cannot be bought or sold. Which of these things brings you the most happiness? Which of them are true riches?”
Family Discussion: When God told Abram to pack up everything he owned or cared about and to set out for a faraway land, what do you think he’d care the most about and would take?
When Jesus told a rich man to sell all his possessions and to follow Him, what do you think the rich man felt? What would the rich man receive if he chose to follow Jesus?
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Four
Invite your family members to “make and keep a promise.” Here’s what MagnifiKid!, page 3, suggests this week: “Make a promise to yourself (or to God) today to do something good every day this week–even if difficult. You could promise to say a special prayer, to smile more often, or to talk to a classmate who doesn’t usually speak to you. Whatever it is, be faithful to your promise!”
Please read with your child: “The Tower of Babel” Genesis, chapter 11:1-9 from your family Bible or a Catholic Children’s Bible. Click on the link to the story from the USCCB.org.
Note to Parents* Next week we will begin to learn about Jesus by learning the Mysteries of the Rosary .
For a wonderful guide, check out Child’s Guide to the Rosary by Elizabeth Ficocelli:
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Three
Invite your family members to do a good deed for others this week at home and at school. Perhaps they can sweep up litter on their block, or ask to help the teacher with a simple job, such as emptying the class trash can.
“Do for others what you want them to do for you.” (Matthew 7:12)
Please read with your child: “Noah’s Ark” in Genesis ” chapter 7:1-24 from your family Bible or a Catholic Children’s Bible. Click on the link to the story from the USCCB.org.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week Two
Invite your family members to practice “The Golden Rule” at home and at school.
“Do for others what you want them to do for you.” (Matthew 7:12)
Please read with your child: “Adam and Eve–The Garden of Eden” in Genesis 2:5-25 from your family Bible or a Catholic Children’s Bible. Click on the link to the story from the USCCB.org.
Suggested Homework Activities–Week One
Read “The Story of Creation” from The Book of Genesis with your child from a Catholic children’s Bible or from your family Bible. Here is the link to “The Creation Story” on the USCCB.org.
For enrichment literature and art ideas on “The Creation Story” check out our post on SundaySchoolUpdates.com.
2017 - 2018 Homework
Using Catholic Book of Bible Stories for Suggested Reading and Homework
Suggested Homework
Week Thirty-Five
Next week will be the last week of the “Curriculum” section of SundaySchoolUpdates.com until SSU starts again with the new school year. However, the art and enrichment posts will continue and the focus will be on Catholic Bible stories. It will be filled with art ideas and there will be no homework until the new school year starts again. Happy Summer!
This week, please read “Living Christ’s Way” Ephesians 6:13-18 from Catholic Book of Bible Stories Pages 200-203. Also please read the following message and prayer out loud:
“Faith to Grow”
“God wants us to act on the gifts of truth, righteousness, readiness, faith, and God’s Word. If we have those gifts, we become closer to him.”
“Lord, help me to be more like you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Amen
Homework Suggestions
Week Thirty-Four
Please read “The Coming of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2) from Catholic Book of Bible Stories Pages 196-197, and Page 199, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer.”
“Come, Holy Spirit, and fill our souls
with your peace. In the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and
of the Holy Spirit.
Suggested Homework</h3
Week Thirty-Three
Please read the excerpt from page 34 of The Mass Book for Children.
“The Mystery of Faith”
“What a miracle!
God changed bread and wine
into the Body and Blood of Jesus.
This is the difficult part of the mystery of our faith.
Though it is difficult to understand,
Jesus did die.
He rose from the dead
and He will come again.
He is always with us.
He told us He is the Bread of Life
and that he will be with us always.
He told us to eat His Body
and drink His Blood
in remembrance of Him.
So even though it looks like bread and wine,
the Eucharist is really
the Body and Blood of Jesus!
Jesus told us so!”
Suggested Homework
Week Thirty-Two
Please read “The Last Supper” (Matthew 26:17-30; Luke 22:14-20) in Catholic Book of Bible Stories on pages 172-174, or in your own family Bible, or from the USCCB.org. Please read “Faith to Grow” on page 175
Excerpt from Catholic Book of Bible Stories Page 174
“Jesus took the bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to his disciples. Then he took a cup, blessed it, and gave it to them. “Drink it, all of you,” he said; “this is my blood, poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”
“Prayer” Page 175
“Thank you, God, for giving us the precious Eucharist to remember you.
In the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”
Please read out loud the “Nicene Creed.”
Please read the “Glorious Mysteries” of the Rosary to learn what happens after Jesus is crucified. As you pray the Rosary, please read one every Sunday for five weeks during this Easter season.This week please read and learn about “The Coronation.”
The Glorious Mysteries (These are recited Wednesdays and Sundays)
- “THE RESURRECTION (Matthew 28:5-6)”
- “THE ASCENSION (Mark 16:15)”
- “THE ASSUMPTION (Revelation 12:6)”
- “THE CORONATION” (Revelation 12:1)”
The Glorious Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
Suggested Homework
Week Thirty-One
Talk with your child about these two questions. Ask them to write down their short answers.
“During this Sunday’s Mass I will thank God especially for…”
“During this week, my family will thank God especially for…”
Source: We Believe and Celebrate First Communion pages 52-53
Please read Page 223 “I am the Bread of Life” John 6:22-70 from Catholic Book of Bible Stories.
“Just like your stomach gets hungry, your soul gets hungry, too. So how can you fed your soul? You feed your soul with God’s life-giving words in the Bible. We hear God’s words during mass when the Gospel is read. We also feed our souls by sharing the body and blood of Jesus when we receive Communion.” By Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton
Please read “The good shepherd” from John 10:11-18 from your family Bible or online from USCCB.org
Please read the “Glorious Mysteries” of the Rosary to learn what happens after Jesus is crucified. As you pray the Rosary, please read one every Sunday for five weeks during this Easter season.This week please read and learn about “The Assumption.”
The Glorious Mysteries (These are recited Wednesdays and Sundays)
- “THE RESURRECTION (Matthew 28:5-6)”
- “THE ASCENSION (Mark 16:15)”
- “THE ASSUMPTION (Revelation 12:6)”
- “THE CORONATION” (Revelation 12:1)”
The Glorious Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
Suggested Homework
Week Thirty
Please read the “Glorious Mysteries” of the Rosary to learn what happens after Jesus is crucified. As you pray the Rosary, please read one every Sunday for five weeks during this Easter season.
The Glorious Mysteries (These are recited Wednesdays and Sundays)
- “THE RESURRECTION (Matthew 28:5-6)”
- “THE ASCENSION (Mark 16:15)”
- “THE ASSUMPTION (Revelation 12:6)”
- “THE CORONATION” (Revelation 12:1)”
The Glorious Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
Please read this post-Communion Prayer from MagnifiKid! Page 10:
“Father, through Jesus, in union with the whole Church, I thank you for coming into my heart. Your Son sent his disciples on a mission to announce that he is truly risen. May the reading of his Word and this Communion with his Body and Blood help us, in turn, to become witnesses of this Good News, alleluia!”
Suggested Homework
Week Twenty-Nine
If you have not already, please read the “Glorious Mysteries” of the Rosary to learn what happens after Jesus is crucified. As you pray the Rosary, please read one every Sunday for five weeks during this Easter season.
The Glorious Mysteries (These are recited Wednesdays and Sundays)
- “THE RESURRECTION (Matthew 28:5-6)”
- “THE ASCENSION (Mark 16:15)”
- “THE ASSUMPTION (Revelation 12:6)”
- “THE CORONATION” (Revelation 12:1)”
The Glorious Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
Please read John, chapter 20:19-29 from USCCB.org.
Also read “The Road to Emmaus” Luke 24:13-35 in the Catholic Book of Bible Stories pages 188-190. Please have your child read out loud, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer.”
For additional Enrichment: “On the Road to Emmaus” (Luke 24; John 20) pages 278-279 in The Children’s Illustrated Bible has helpful illustrations and information about the town of Emmaus, the disappearing of Jesus, and includes a French illustrated manuscript of “Doubting Thomas.” I always learn from this excellent resource.
Week Twenty-Eight
Begin to learn the “Glorious Mysteries” of the Rosary to learn what happens after Jesus is crucified. Please read one a day after Easter Sunday for the following Easter Week.
The Glorious Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
The Rosary Coloring Sheet from CatholicMom.com
Click to Enlarge–Follow Printer Prompts to Print
Week Twenty-Seven
Preparing for Palm Sunday
Please read “Hosanna!” (John 12:12-19) in Catholic Book of Bible Stories, page 168-170, or another Catholic Child’s Bible, or this passage from your family Bible. Also, read God’s Blessing, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” on page 171. If possible, take your child to a “Stations of the Cross” service this week.
For a simple art project, have your child draw or paint the word “Hosanna” (“Highest praise!… Rejoicing”) and include a palm tree or palm frond (branch), using art supplies on hand.
Learn About Jesus Through the Mysteries of the Rosary
Over Lent, read the Bible passage for one of the Sorrowful Mysteries each Sunday. Help your child begin to name them.
The Sorrowful Mysteries (These are recited Tuesdays and Fridays)
THE CRUCIFIXION” (John 19:25-27)
Source: The Sorrowful Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
Rosary Coloring Sheet from CatholicMom.com
Click to Enlarge–Follow Printer Prompts to Print
Week Twenty-Six
Please read “Zacchaeus” in The Catholic Book of Bible Stories, pages 165-166 (Luke 19:1-10), (or in your own Catholic Children’s Bible, or directly from your family Bible.) Please read page 167, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” as we learn more about Jesus’ forgiveness of sinners. If you haven’t already, please also read “The Good Samaritan” (Luke 10:25-37) pages 153-154, and “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” on page 155.
Learn About Jesus Through the Mysteries of the Rosary
Over Lent, read the Bible passage for one of the Sorrowful Mysteries each Sunday. Help your child begin to name them.
The Sorrowful Mysteries (These are recited Tuesdays and Fridays)
THE CRUCIFIXION” (John 19:25-27)
Source: The Sorrowful Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
Week Twenty-Five
Please read “Jesus Teaches Us to Pray” in The Catholic Book of Bible Stories, pages 156-158 (Matthew 6:9-13;), (or in your own Catholic Children’s Bible, or directly from your family Bible.) Please read page 159, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” as we learn more about Jesus’ teachings; please also read “Jesus Blesses the Children” (Mark 10:13-16) pages 160-162, and “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” on page 163.
Learn About Jesus Through the Mysteries of the Rosary
Over Lent, read the Bible passage for one of the Sorrowful Mysteries each Sunday. Help your child begin to name them.
The Sorrowful Mysteries (These are recited Tuesdays and Fridays)
THE CRUCIFIXION” (John 19:25-27)
Source: The Sorrowful Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
Week Twenty-Four
Please read “The Lost and Found Sheep” in The Catholic Book of Bible Stories, pages 144-147 (Matthew 18:10-14;), (or in your own Catholic Children’s Bible, or directly from your family Bible.) Also, read page 148, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” as we learn more about Jesus; please also read “To Forgive or Not to Forgive” pages 148-150, and “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” on page 151.
Read “Act of Contrition” on page 42-43 of Believe Celebrate Live Reconciliation. Please read “Growing in Faith Together” with your child on page 48:
Growing in Faith Together Activity
“Help your child to appreciate and treasure the gift of God’s forgiveness.”
Talk to your child about the treasures of reconciliation. Have them write down the gifts they will be receiving.
Learn About Jesus Through the Mysteries of the Rosary
Over Lent, read the Bible passage for one of the Sorrowful Mysteries each Sunday. Help your child begin to name them.
The Sorrowful Mysteries (These are recited Tuesdays and Fridays)
- THE CROWNING WITH THORNS (Matthew 27:28-29)
- THE CRUCIFIXION” (John 19:25-27)
Source: The Sorrowful Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
Week Twenty-Three
Please read “You Are the Son of God” in The Catholic Book of Bible Stories, pages 140-142 (Matthew 16:13-20; Galatians 3), (or in your own Catholic Children’s Bible, or directly from your family Bible.) Also, read page 143, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” as we learn more about Jesus, and Peter; please also read “The Good Samaritan” pages 153-154, and “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” on page 155.
Read “The Word of the Lord” on page 38 of Believe Celebrate Live Reconciliation. Please read “Examination of Conscience” with your child on pages 40-41:
Read with your child about Saint Thomas Moore and discuss the question “Following my conscience is important because…” on page 45
Learn About Jesus Through the Mysteries of the Rosary
Over Lent, read the Bible passage for one of the Sorrowful Mysteries each Sunday. Help your child begin to name them.
The Sorrowful Mysteries (These are recited Tuesdays and Fridays)
- THE CROWNING WITH THORNS (Matthew 27:28-29)
- THE CRUCIFIXION” (John 19:25-27)
Source: The Sorrowful Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
Week Twenty-Two
Please read “I Am the Bread of Life” in The Catholic Book of Bible Stories, pages 136-137 (John 6:22-70), (or in your own Catholic Children’s Bible, or directly from your family Bible.) Also, read page 139, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” as we learn more about Jesus, his sacrifice; and, Holy Communion; please also read “To Forgive or Not to Forgive” page 148-150, and “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” on page 151.
Read “Growing in Faith Together” on page 34 of Believe Celebrate Live Reconciliation. Please do the assignment with your child on page 34:
“Think about and name what you can do this week that will build up, not hurt, your friendship with God and others. Do an act of kindness for your child and each person of the family.”
“Celebrate the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation! Receive the sacrament and tell your child why God’s mercy is something to be celebrated.”
Learn About Jesus Through the Mysteries of the Rosary
Over Lent, read the Bible passage for one of the Sorrowful Mysteries each Sunday. Help your child begin to name them.
The Sorrowful Mysteries (These are recited Tuesdays and Fridays)
- THE CROWNING WITH THORNS (Matthew 27:28-29)
- THE CRUCIFIXION” (John 19:25-27)
Source: The Sorrowful Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org
Week Twenty-One
Please read “Jesus Feeds Five Thousand” in The Catholic Book of Bible Stories, pages 132-134. (Matthew 14:13-21) (or in your own Catholic Children’s Bible, or directly from your family Bible.) Also, read page 135, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” as we learn more about Jesus, his disciples, and His miracles; please also read “The Sufferings of Job” from The Catholic Bible for Children pages 92-93, below:
“Job was a good and righteous man. One day, for no reason, he lost everything. His children died. He fell ill. Even his friends snubbed him. They whispered behind his back: ‘Surely he must have done something very bad to suffer so many tragedies all at once!’ Job wept and was angry. ‘God!’ he cried,’Come to my aid!’ ‘Help me!’
“Job was sure God heard him: ‘I have faith everything will soon get better!’ His friends thought he was mad. They said to each other, ‘There’s no doubt about it: God has abandoned him!’ But Job did not listen to them. He went about praying and never stopped crying out to God.”
“At last, God answered him. Job soon regained his health. He had more children and was blessed with much great fortune. He had new life.”
Read “Penance and Reconciliation” on pages 28-29 of Believe Celebrate Live Reconciliation. Please do the writing assignment on page 30: “Write a story or a poem about God’s love and forgiveness.” A drawing or painting is also an option. (If you don’t have the text, please still do the activity.)
Week Twenty
Please read “The Faith of the Centurion” in The Catholic Book of Bible Stories, pages 124-126. (Matthew 8:5-13) (or in your own Catholic Children’s Bible, or directly from your family Bible.) Also, read page 127, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” as we learn more about Jesus, his disciples, and the Way of the Lord; please also read “Adam and Eve Disobey God” (Genesis 2-3) pages 13-14.
Talk about about the rules your family has. Page 208 has a list of questions:
1. “How do these rules show your parents’ love for you?”
2. “How do your rules keep you safe?”
3. “Make a list of your family rules and decorate it with colorful designs. Hang it where everyone can see.”
Read “The Word of the Lord” on pages 24-25, and “Reconciliation” on pages 26-27 of Believe Celebrate Live Reconciliation.
Week Nineteen
Please read “Jesus Calls His Disciples” in The Catholic Book of Bible Stories, pages 116-118 (Luke 5:1-11), (or in your own Catholic Children’s Bible, or directly from your family Bible.) Also, read page 119, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” as we begin our learning about Jesus, his disciples, and his teachings.
Read “Growing in Faith Together” on pages 19-23 of Believe Celebrate Live Reconciliation. (If you do not have the text, you can still do these activities.)
“At Mass this week, have the family members bless themselves with holy water and be reminded of their Baptism.” Page 18
“Hold your child’s hands and pray together the Lord’s Prayer. At the end of the prayer, encourage your child to forgive, in his or her heart, anyone who needs forgiveness, and do the same yourself. Emphasize the statement “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Talk about why it is hard to forgive sometimes.” Page 20
“God makes our hearts new again in the sacraments. The sacraments are special signs given to us by Jesus through which we share in God’s life and love.” Page 23
Writing/Art Assignment:
“Complete this sentence: God’s love is like…” Page 23
Have your child make a pretty picture for the written paragraph with hearts and other symbols of God’s creation. Provide simple construction paper, stickers, markers, and a Sharpie pen.
Week Eighteen
Please read, “Jesus Is Tempted” in The Catholic Book of Bible Stories, pages 112-114. (Matthew 4:1-11) (or in your own Catholic Children’s Bible, or directly from your family Bible.) Also, read pages 115, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” as we begin our learning about baptism and the sacraments in preparation for First Reconciliation, and “The Baptism of Jesus” in Let’s Talk About This, page 222.
Re-Read “Rules to Live By” (Exodus 20:1-17) on the Ten Commandments, pages 45-47, or from another Catholic Children’s Bible.
Week Seventeen
At the end of praying the Rosary, it is customary to recite “Hail Holy Queen.” Please begin to learn this prayer by reading it out loud.
“Hail Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary!
V- Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R- That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.”
Please read about, “The Baptism of Jesus” in The Catholic Book of Bible Stories, pages 108-110. (Matthew 3:1-17) (or in your own Catholic Children’s Bible, or directly from your family Bible.) Also, read page 110, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer” as we begin our learning about baptism and the sacraments in preparation for First Reconciliation.
Talk with your children, and show them photos of their own baptism. Share with them the pride the family felt.
Weeks Fifteen and Sixteen
No Homework for the Christmas Break.
The curriculum will begin again on January 8, 2018!
Week Fourteen
Homework for the Week
During Advent, please read or have the students read with you, directly from a Catholic Bible rather than a children’s Bible.
Please read “Isaiah chapter 40:1-5, 9-11” in your family’s Bible, or on the USCCB.Org website
* Comfort, give comfort to my people,
says your God.
Speak to the heart of Jerusalem, and proclaim to her
that her service* has ended,
that her guilt is expiated,
That she has received from the hand of the LORD
double for all her sins.
A voice proclaims:*
In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD!
Make straight in the wasteland a highway for our God!a
Every valley shall be lifted up,
every mountain and hill made low;
The rugged land shall be a plain,
the rough country, a broad valley.
Then the glory of the LORD shall be revealed,
and all flesh shall see it together;
for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.”
Go up onto a high mountain,
Zion, herald of good news!*
Cry out at the top of your voice,
Jerusalem, herald of good news!
Cry out, do not fear!
Say to the cities of Judah:
Here is your God!
Here comes with power
the Lord GOD,
who rules by his strong arm;
Here is his reward with him,
his recompense before him.
Like a shepherd he feeds his flock;
in his arms he gathers the lambs,
Carrying them in his bosom,
leading the ewes with care.c
Talk to your children about the symbols and job of a shepherd. Also, discuss what it means to “lift up” a valley.
Week Thirteen
Homework for the Week
Please re-read “The Annunciation” in Catholic Book of Bible Stories, a children’s Catholic Bible, or in your family’s Bible. (Luke 1:26-38) and “The Birth of Christ” (Luke 2:1-20)
Please read Psalm 139:1-6 from page 73 in Catholic Book of Bible Stories
“Lord, you have examined and you know me.
You know everything I do;
from far away you understand all my thoughts.
You see me, whether I am working or resting:
you know all my actions.
Even before I speak,
you already know what what I will say.”
Parents* The entire Psalm can be found through the link to USCCB.org
Start to learn the “O My Jesus” prayer below:
The Fatima Prayer
“O my Jesus,
forgive us our sins,
save us from the fires of hell,
and lead all souls to Heaven,
especially those in most need of your Mercy.
Source: MaryPages.com
Week Twelve
Homework for the Week
Please read “Solomon Asks for Wisdom” and “You Are the Son of God” in Catholic Book of Bible Stories, a children’s Catholic Bible, or in your family’s Bible. (Matthew 16:13-20; Galatians 3)
Please Read Ten Commandments for Children from Child’s Guide to Reconciliation By Elizabeth Ficocelli Illustrations By Anne Catherine Blake
1. “Love God with all of your heart.
2. Use God’s name with respect and love.
3. Keep Sunday’s special and holy.
5. Love and obey your mother and father.
6. Respect your body as a gift from God.
7. Don’t take things that don’t belong to you.
8. Always tell the truth.
9. Don’t be jealous or greedy.
10. Help others who are in need.”
Week Eleven
Homework for the Week
Please read “David and Goliath” and “I Am the Bread of Life” in Catholic Book of Bible Stories, a children’s Catholic Bible, or in your family’s Bible. (John 6:22-70)
Please Read Psalm 23–The Lord is My Shepherd
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside still waters;
He restores my soul. He leads me in right paths For His Name’s sake.
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil;
For you are with me;
Your rod and Your staff – they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, You anoint my head with oil;
My cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life. And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord My whole life long.
[Psalm 23:1-6; NRSV]
Week Ten
Homework for the Week
Please read “God Gives Samson Strength” and “Jairus’ Daughter” in Catholic Book of Bible Stories, a children’s Catholic Bible, or in your family’s Bible. (Mark 5:21-43)
Read “Praise God!” Page 77 in Catholic Book of Bible Stories,
“Praise God!” Psalm 150 “Good News Translation”
“Praise the Lord!
Praise God in his temple!
Praise his strength in heaven!
Praise him for the mighty things he has done.
Praise his supreme greatness.
Praise him with trumpets.
Praise him with harps and lyres.
Praise him with drums and dancing.
Praise him with harps and flutes.
Praise him with loud cymbals.
Praise the Lord, all living creatures!
Praise the Lord!”
Week Nine
Homework for the Week
Please read “The Lord Calls Samuel” and “The Faith of the Centurion” in Catholic Book of Bible Stories, a children’s Catholic Bible, or in your family’s Bible. (Matthew 8:5-13) Recite and begin to memorize: “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” (“Recited during Mass before Communion.” Catholic Book of Bible Stories Page 126) Discuss as a family:
The Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount
“The text of St. Matthew runs as follows:
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Verse 3)
Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land. (Verse 4)
Blessed are they who mourn: for they shall be comforted. (Verse 5)
Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill. (Verse 6)
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. (Verse 7)
Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God. (Verse 8)
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. (Verse 9)
Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Verse 10)”
Week Eight
Homework for the Week
Please read “Crossing the Sea” and “Rules to Live By” in Catholic Book of Bible Stories, a children’s Catholic Bible, or in your family’s Bible. (Exodus 20:1-17 ) Discuss as a family:
The Corporal Works of Mercy
Feed the hungry.
Give drink to the thirsty.
Give shelter to the homeless.
Give clothing to the naked.
Visit the sick.
Visit the imprisoned.
Bury the dead.
Week Seven
Homework for the Week
Please read “God Saves the Israelites” and “Why Worry?” in Catholic Book of Bible Stories, a children’s Catholic Bible, or in your family’s Bible. (Matthew 6:18-24)
Week Six
Homework for the Week
Please read “God Watches Over Baby Moses” and “Jesus Calls His Disciples” in Catholic Book of Bible Stories, a children’s Catholic Bible, or in your family’s Bible. (Luke 5:1-11)
Week Five
Homework for the Week
Please read “God Remembers Joseph” and “Jesus is Tempted” in Catholic Book of Bible Stories, a children’s Catholic Bible, or in your family’s Bible. (Matthew 4:1-11)
Week Four
Homework for the Week
Please read “God’s Promise to Abraham” and “The Baptism of Jesus” in Catholic Book of Bible Stories, a children’s Catholic Bible, or in your family’s Bible. (Matthew 3)
Week Three
Homework for the Week
Please read “Noah’s Faithful Journey” and “Jesus in His Father’s House” in Catholic Book of Bible Stories, a children’s Catholic Bible, or in your family’s Bible. (Luke 2:41-52)
Week Two
Homework for the Week
Please read “The Annunciation,” and “The Birth of Jesus” in Catholic Book of Bible Stories, a children’s Catholic Bible, or in your family’s Bible. Note: “The Visitation” is not in the Catholic Book of Bible Stories but is linked to the USCCB.org. (Luke 1:26-38) as is “The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple” (Luke 2:21-38)
Week One
Homework for the Week
Please read “God’s Wonderful Creation,” “Adam and Eve Disobey God,” and “Isaiah the Prophet Brings Hope” in Catholic Book of Bible Stories, a children’s Catholic Bible, or in your family’s Bible. (Isaiah 40)
2016 - 2017 Homework
Week Twenty-Nine
All Students Please Read:
The Catholic Bible for Children Pages 210-211 “Pentecost”
First Graders: Please read Chapter 26 in the blue text, pages 103–105 and learn the vocabulary.
Second Graders: Please read Chapter 29 in the turquoise text, pages 140- 142.
Third Graders: Please read Chapter 26 in the yellow text, pages 125-128 and review the vocabulary
Week Twenty-Eight
Home Work for the Week
All Students Please Read:
The Catholic Bible for Children Pages 204-205 “Jesus Appears on the Seashore;” Pages 208-209 “The Ascension and the Choosing of Matthias”
First Graders: Please read Chapter 25 in the blue text, pages 99-101 and learn the vocabulary.
Second Graders: Please read Chapter 28 in the turquoise text, pages 135- 138.
Third Graders: Please read Chapter 25 in the yellow text, pages 119-123 and review the vocabulary.
Week Twenty-Seven
Homework for the Week
First Graders: Please read Chapter 24 in the blue text, pages 95-97 and learn the vocabulary.
Second Graders: Please read Chapter 27 in the turquoise text, pages 131-133 and learn the vocabulary.
Third Graders: Please read Chapter 24 in the yellow text, pages 115-118 and learn the vocabulary.
Week Twenty-Six
Homework for the Week
First Graders: Please read Chapter 23 in the blue text, pages 91-93 and learn the vocabulary.
Second Graders: Please read Chapter 26 in the turquoise text, pages 125-129 and learn the vocabulary.
Third Graders: Please read Chapter 23 in the yellow text, pages 111-114 and learn the vocabulary.
Week Twenty-Five
Homework for the Week
First Graders: Please read Chapter 22 in the blue text, pages 87-89 and learn the vocabulary. Read pages 198-203 in the children’s Bible.
Second Graders: Please read Chapter 25 in the turquoise text, pages 121-124 and learn the vocabulary. Read pages 198-205 in the children’s Bible.
Third Graders: Please read Chapter 22 in the yellow text, pages 107-110 and learn the vocabulary. Please continue to learn the “Nicene Creed.” It is on page 104 in your text. Please read this aloud several times this week, to become familiar with it. Please read pages 201-209 in the children’s Bible.
Week Twenty-Four
Homework For the Vacation– Two Weeks to Complete!
In The Catholic Bible for Children, which the children all have, Chapter 9, “When Jesus Gave His Life for Us,” tells the stories about Jesus’ trial, arrest, Passion, death, Resurrection, and return for forty days, on pages 186-204. Perhaps sometime in the next two weeks (We meet for class again on April 23rd) the children could read through this with family members. I am suggesting the stories I’d like each grade to read, below with their two-week assignments.
First Graders: Please read Chapter 21 in the blue text, pages 85-86 and learn the vocabulary. Read pages 186-188 in the children’s Bible.
Second Graders: Please read Chapter 24 in the turquoise text, pages 117-119 and learn the vocabulary. Read pages 186-194 in the children’s Bible.
Third Graders: Please read Chapter 21 in the yellow text, pages 101-105 and learn the vocabulary. Note* In third grade, the children in the Academy and in our CCD learn the “Nicene Creed.” It is on page 104 in your text. Please read this aloud several times this week, to become familiar with it. Read pages 186-200 in the children’s Bible.
Week Twenty-Three
Homework for the Week
All Children Receiving First Holy Communion: Please use homework time to work on your banners.
First Graders: Please read Chapter 20 in the blue text, pages 81-83 and learn the vocabulary.
Second Graders: Please read Chapter 23 in the turquoise text, pages 113-115 and learn the vocabulary.
Third Graders: Please read Chapter 20 in the yellow text, pages 97-100 and learn the vocabulary.
Week Twenty-Two
Homework for the Week
First Graders: Please read Chapter 19 in the blue text, pages 77-79 and learn the vocabulary.
Also read: “The Wedding at Cana” pages 164-165 in your Children’s Bible. (Optional)
Second Graders: Please read Chapter 22 in the turquoise text, pages 107-111 and learn the vocabulary.
Also read: “The Wedding at Cana” pages 164-165 and “The Healing of the Leper” page 166 in your Children’s Bible.
Third Graders: Please read Chapter 19 in the yellow text, pages 93-96 and learn the vocabulary.
Also read: “The Wedding at Cana” pages 164-165, “The Healing of the Leper” page 166, and “The Multiplication of the Loaves”
Pages 173-174 in your Children’s Bible.
Week Twenty-One
Homework for the Week
First Graders: Please read Chapter 18 in the blue text, pages 73-75 and learn the vocabulary.
Second Graders: Please read Chapter 21 in the turquoise text, pages 101-105 and learn the vocabulary.
Third Graders: Please read Chapter 18 in the yellow text, pages 87-91 and learn the vocabulary.
Week Twenty
Homework for the Week—We are going back to read chapters that are important and help us understand “sacrifice.”
First Graders: Please read Chapter 7 in the blue text, pages 31-32 and learn the vocabulary.
Second Graders: Please read Chapter 7 in the turquoise text, pages 35-39 and learn the vocabulary.
Third Graders: Please read Chapter 5 in the yellow text, pages 27-29 and learn the vocabulary.
Week Nineteen
Homework for the Week
First Graders: Please read from The Catholic Bible for Children: “You Are Peter” page 128, “The Transfiguration” page 129, and “Jesus and the Little Children” page 138
Second Graders: Please read from The Catholic Bible for Children: “You Are Peter” page 128, “The Transfiguration” page 129, “Zacchaeus” page 134, “Jesus and the Little Children” page 138, and “The Our Father” page 139
Third Graders: Please from The Catholic Bible for Children: “You Are Peter” page 128, “The Transfiguration” page 129, “Martha and Mary” page 130, The Samaritan Woman” page 132, “Zacchaeus” page 134, “Jesus and the Little Children” page 138, and “The Our Father” page 139
Week Eighteen
Homework for the Week
First Graders: Please read from The Catholic Bible for Children: “Jesus in the Synagogue” p. 120, “The Call of Peter” p. 122 “The Call of Mathew” p. 123, “The Rich Man” p. 124
Second Graders: Please read Chapter 18 in the turquoise text, pages 89-91 and complete “Jesus Forgives” page 70 in the turquoise Activity Book.
Third Graders: Please read Chapter 17 in the yellow text, pages 83-85 and complete page 55 “Confessing Our Sins” in the yellow Activity Book.
Children who will be making a First Reconciliation:
Please read this together with your child:
First Penance by Sadlier Sacrament Program pages, 62-63, explains what happens when a child celebrates the Sacrament of Reconciliation face to face with a priest:
“The priest welcomes you, and you both make the sign of the cross.
“You listen as the priest shares a Bible story about God’s forgiveness.
You confess your sins to the priest.
You and the priest talk about making right choices.
The priest gives a penance to you. You will do your penance after the celebration of the sacrament.
You pray an act of contrition. You tell God you are sorry for your sins and that you will try to not sin again.
You receive absolution. The priest stretches his right hand over your head and says the words of absolution. (Say, “Amen.”)
In God’s name your sins are forgiven by the priest.
You and the priest praise and thank God for his love and forgiveness.
The priest tells you, ‘Go in peace.’”
The Words of Absolution from Our Third Grade text, Our Life With Jesus, Faith and Life Series 3, on page 71,
Here’s what the priest says:
“God, the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of his Son has reconciled the world to himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; through the ministry of the Church may God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
“When we hear the words of absolution, we know that Jesus Himself is forgiving us through the priest. He says, “I absolve you from your sins in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” We accept the absolution by answering, ‘Amen.’”
Practice “An Act of Contrition” out loud, so that it is very familiar, and fluent.
Week Seventeen
Homework for the Week
First Graders: Please read Chapter 17 in the blue text, pages 69-71 and learn the vocabulary.
Second Graders: Please read Chapter 17 in the turquoise text, pages 85-87 and learn the vocabulary.
Third Graders: Please read Chapter 14 in the yellow text, pages 69-72 and learn the vocabulary.
All Children who will be making a First Reconciliation:
These are the cards the children will use. It is one card, printed back to back, and laminated. The children got to practice with the new cards today and will practice again each week. On the morning of Reconciliation, I’ll give each of them a card to use and keep.
The Reconciliation cards were designed by Kim N. Buckley.
Week Sixteen
Homework for the Week
First Graders:
Please read Chapter 16 in the blue text, pages 65-67 and learn the vocabulary.
Second Graders:
Please read Chapter 16 in the turquoise text, pages 79-83 and learn the vocabulary.
Third Graders:
Please read Chapter 13 in the yellow text, pages 65-67 and learn the vocabulary.
All Children who will be receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Please practice reading this handout out loud:
Week Fifteen
Homework for the Week
First Graders:
Please read with your child from Chapter 6 in the Children’s Bible, “The Rich Man” page 124, “The Sinful Woman” page 126
Second and Third Graders:
Please read out loud this “Act of Contrition” each day. It is the version the class will be using.
“My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against You whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with Your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In His Name, My God, have mercy.” AMEN
Practice Out Loud — “The Glory Be,” “The Lord’s Prayer,” and “Hail Mary”
There are helpful “Confession Guides” for children and parents on the Internet.
CatholicMom.Com offers these suggestions:
5 Ways to Prepare Your Child for First Reconciliation
1. “Talk about the Sacrament of Reconciliation Together”
2. “Examination of Conscience”
3. “Practice” (We’ll practice in class, too.)
4. “Go to Confession as a Family”
5. “Pray Together”
Week Fourteen
Homework for the Week
First Grade:
Read Chapter 15 in the blue text book, pages 61-63.
Please read out loud the Morning Offering each day:
Morning Offering
Dear Jesus, I give You my day and everything in it.
Please keep me close to You, Your Mother Mary,
and my guardian angel as I live today for Your glory. Amen.
Second Grade:
Read Chapter 15 in the turquoise text book, pages 75-78.
Read “Basis Examination of Conscience Based on the Ten Commandments for Little Ones” It is below the third grade assignments.
Read “An Act of Contrition” with the little pictures. It is also below the third grade assignments.
Please read out loud the Morning Offering each day:
Morning Offering
O my God, I offer You every thought
and word and act of today.
Please bless me, my God,
and make me good today. Amen.
Third Grade:
Read Chapter 10 in the yellow text book, pages 51-52.
Read “Examination of Conscience” in the yellow text book, pages 160-161
Read “An Act of Contrition” pdf with the little pictures. It is below this assignment.
Please read out loud the Act of Hope each day:
Act of Hope
O my God, relying on Your infinite goodness and promises,
I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of Your Grace,
and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my
Lord and Redeemer. Amen.
Examination of Conscience For Little Ones
Week Thirteen
Homework for the Week
First Grade:
Read, “The Kingdom of Heaven” in the Children’s Bible, pages 144-145
Discuss vocabulary words from blue textbook with your child: teacher, Apostles (p. 54) “Good News” (p. 57) Holy Bible (p. 58)
Discuss this children’s worksheet of The Ten Commandments with your child:
Second Grade:
Read, “Jesus Our Teacher” in the turquoise textbook pages 69-73
Discuss vocabulary words from turquoise textbook with your child: The Corporal Works of Mercy (p. 73)
Discuss this children’s worksheet of The Ten Commandments with your child:
Third Grade:
Read, “Loving God Most of All” in the yellow textbook pages 45-49
Discuss vocabulary with your child from yellow textbook page 49: “superstitious” “reverent” “respect” “Apostles” (p.47)
Please have your child read the following:
Feed the hungry.
Give drink to the thirsty.
Give shelter to the homeless.
Give clothing to the naked.
Visit the sick.
Visit the imprisoned.
Bury the dead.
Note* The USCCB website omits “Give clothing to the naked.” and instead uses “Give alms to the poor.” We will talk about alms giving in preparation for Lent.
Week Twelve
Homework for the Week
Dear Parents,
The students preparing for FR and FHC need family involvement and support.
Please take them to Mass every week. Show them the Confessionals and the Baptismal Font. Have them bless themselves with Holy Water. Help them to genuflect. They are probably a little wobbly. Encourage their participation in the service. They can cross themselves and respond “Thanks be to God.” after the Readings. Also, please bring them to class each week.
Please help them start to pray a “Morning Offering,” “The Blessing Before Meals,” and an “Evening Prayer.” All students can do this.
For the children preparing for FR and FHC, please help them learn the “Act of Contrition.”
Please find time to discuss “The Ten Commandments” and how we use them to make an “Examination of Conscience” before Confession.
We’ll be doing all of this in class, as well.
Here are the prayers they need to practice and learn:
Prayer Before Meals
Bless us O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are
about to receive, from Thy bounty, through Christ
our Lord. Amen
Morning Offering
Dear Jesus, I give You my day and everything in it.
Please keep me close to You,
Your Mother Mary, and my guardian angel
as I live today for Your glory. Amen.
Morning Offering
O my God, I offer You every thought and
word and act of today. Please bless me,
my God, and make me good today. Amen
Evening Prayer From LoyolaPress.Com
God, our Father, this day is done.
We ask you and Jesus Christ, your Son,
that with the Spirit, our welcome guest,
you guard our sleep and bless our rest.
Act of Contrition
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having
offended You. I detest all my sins because of
Your just punishments, but most of all because
they offend You, my God, Who are all good
and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve,
With the help of Your grace, to confess my sins,
to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.
The prayers above, with the exception of the “Evening Prayer” come from our text, Jesus Our Life, Faith and Life Series 2
An Examination of Conscience for Children
Responsibilities to God:
Have I prayed every day?
Have I prayed my morning prayers and night prayers?
Have I prayed with my parents and family?
Have I been moody and rebellious about praying and going to church on Sunday?
Have I asked the Holy Spirit to help me whenever I have been tempted to sin?
Have I asked the Holy Spirit to help me do what is right?
Responsibilities to others:
Have I been obedient and respectful to my parents?
Have I lied or been deceitful to them or to others?
Have I been arrogant, stubborn or rebellious?
Have I talked back to parents, teachers or other adults?
Have I pouted and been moody?
Have I been selfish toward my parents, brothers, and sisters,
teachers, or my friends and schoolmates?
Have I gotten angry at them? Have I hit anyone?
Have I held grudges or not forgiven others?
Have I treated other children with respect or have I made fun of them and called them names?
Have I used bad language?
Have I stolen anything? Have I returned it?
Have I performed my responsibilities, such as homework and household chores?
Have I been helpful and affectionate toward my family?
HaveI been kind and generous with my friends?
Copyright, Fr. Thomas Weinandy. This resource may be reproduced and distributed free of charge by permission of the author.
Week Eleven
Homework for the Week
All Grades:
Please memorize the Two Great Commandments
1. Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
2. Love your neighbor as yourself.
First Grade: (With Family Member Assistance.)
Read Chapter 12 “Jesus Grows Up” in Text, page 49
Read Daily This Week: “The Morning Offering” on page 47 in Text
Color the “John the Baptist” picture on page 32 of the Activity Book.
Second Grade:
Please write a short, simple definition of the following words using the Text. For example, “God’s Grace—a share in God’s life.”
Grace (page 23), angels (page 27) devils (page 27) obey (page 28)
Color the drawing of “The Nativity” on page 38 in the activity book and answer the question at the bottom, “Who came to see Baby Jesus?”
Parents please tell your children if any family members have a saint’s name. Tell them about this Catholic tradition.
(Second Graders will work on Ten Commandments next week.)
Third Grade—Please read with your student:
Please work on our classroom Ten Commandment worksheet, by giving your own definition for each commandment. For example: “1. Worship Only God—No false idols!”
When it is finished, review it with a family member. Give a simple example for each one. Complete sentences are not necessary. Please bring it to class on Sunday, finished or not.
The Ten Commandments we’ll be using in our preparation for First Reconciliation are below these instructions and above our classroom worksheet.
Please read and talk about these Commandments with a parent. P.S. What does the word “Commandment” mean?
The Ten Commandments
1. You shall not have other gods besides Me.
2. You shall not use God’s name in vain.
3. Remember to keep God’s day holy.
4. Honor your father and mother.
5. You shall not kill.
6. You shall not commit adultery.
7. You shall not steal.
8. You shall not lie.
9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
10.You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.
Children’s Ten Commandments Worksheet
2015 - 2016 Homework
Week Ten
Homework for the Week
First Graders: With Family Member Assistance
Readings from The Catholic Bible for Children
“The Adoration of the Shepherds” Luke 2:8-16 pages 1-4:1-5
“Jesus at Nazareth” Matthew 2:19; Luke 2:39-40
Vocabulary and Questions
Name the members of the Holy Family.
Jesus, The Blessed Mother (Mary) and Saint Joseph (Joseph, the foster father of Jesus)
Who is the Heavenly Father of Jesus?
God is the father of Jesus.
Where was Jesus born? Bethlehem
Where did he grow up? Nazareth
Second Graders:
All of the above and the following:
A Reading from The Catholic Bible for Children
“The Adoration of the Magi” Mathew 2:1-12
Vocabulary and Questions
Who was the king of Judea when Jesus was born? Herod
What did the Three Kings (Wise men, or “Magi”) do when they saw baby Jesus?
They kneeled down to worship him as king, and they brought him three gifts.
What did the Three Kings bring to baby Jesus?
They brought him gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Third Graders:
All of the above and the following:
A Reading from The Catholic Bible for Children
“Isaiah and the Promised Savior” Isaiah 9:1-6 page 94
Vocabulary and Questions
What is a “prophet?” What is the “Messiah?”
A prophet is a messenger of God, sent by God, who often predicts the future.
The Messiah is the Savior, Jesus Christ.
Who is the prophet in this story and what did he predict”?
Isaiah is the prophet who told people about the coming of the Messiah.
Christmas Vacation
There will be no homework over the vacation—simply enjoy the beauty of this season together.
Merry Christmas. See you on Sunday, January 8– Epiphany!
Week Nine
Advent has started!
Homework for the Week
We begin to pray The Rosary together in class.
Please read the following stories from The Catholic Bible for Children over the week with your children. Confident readers can read and discuss the stories with you. First graders can listen to the stories being read aloud, and talk about the pictures.
“The Annunciation to Mary” pages 98-99 “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!”
“The Visit to Elizabeth” pages100-101 ”How blessed you are, Mary!”
“The Birth of Jesus” pages 102-103 “That night, the child was born.”
“Jesus at Nazareth pages 110-111 “The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom.”
“Jesus in the Temple” 112-114 “Prepare the way of the Lord”
The Children’s Bible version we have does not have the story of the “Presentation of Jesus at the Temple.” Here is a link to the verse from Luke, Chapter 2 from the Bible on the USCCB website: You might want to read it and re-tell it to your child in easier language.
Here are some words to discuss: Annunciation (announcement), engagement, savior, Bethlehem, census, emperor, Roman, pilgrimage, temple, Jerusalem
We’ll talk about them in class as we go, too.
Parents’ Note: The children need to know the Bible is entirely the Word of God, written in human words. God is the Author of Sacred Scripture; but He makes use of human authors to compose the written text. When we read the New Testament, we are reading about real events that took place in history. It’s not the same as hearing or reading “Snow White!”
This is confusing to the kids since the Bible stories we read and their illustrations look very similar to fictional stories. We discussed this in class, but it needs your reinforcement.
According to Catechism of the Catholic Church: 136 “God is the author of Sacred Scripture because he inspired its human authors; he acts in them and by means of them. He thus gives assurance that their writings teach without error his saving truth (cf. DV 11).”
For our next class, I plan to talk about what it means to say, “Thanks be to God.” after hearing a reading from the Bible. We don’t do that for any other material that we read. That may be a way to define a concrete distinction for the children. I also will read short verses directly from The Holy Bible on our classroom “altar,” each week.
Week Eight
Since this is the week of Thanksgiving, there will be no homework. Please encourage the children to participate during the weekly Mass service. They know how to genuflect; say, “Thanks be to God,” after the readings; cross themselves before the Gospel reading; and to bow to the altar. Encourage them to say “The Lord’s Prayer” nice and strongly when we say it as a group in church.
Have a lovely Thanksgiving Day and week.
Classroom Handout This Week:
Week Seven
Homework for the Week
Please have the children read, or read to them, pages 46-51 in The Catholic Bible for Children. Please look at the pictures with your child and talk about the life of Moses for all of Chapter 2 “When God Set His People Free” in it as well.
For The Ten Commandments this week:
Please talk about #6, #7 and #8.
In class this past Sunday, We talked about #6: ”You shall not commit adultery.” from the perspective of “Honor Marriage Vows.” This led us into a discussion of the meaning of vows, weddings, marriage and promises, and the children were interested.
We also discussed the concept that their bodies are a gift from God. We went through a few possible unsafe/unhealthy scenarios that they could encounter over the years—being offered a cigarette, then a beer, then in a few years, drugs—and talked about God wanting us to keep our bodies safe and healthy. The students were very enthusiastic with saying “NO!” loudly to each of the possibilities.
Also, please have a conversation about #7 “You shall not steal.” and # 8 “You shall not lie.” These should be straight forward, but there are varying “degrees” of stealing ( i.e. copying from another student’s work) and lying ( i.e. “white lies” so as to not hurt someone’s feelings.) It will be interesting to talk with the children about these commandments.
For The Beatitudes:
We are using modern words to explain the unfamiliar language, at this beginning stage. For, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” we talked about the meaning of “humble.” Most of the kids weren’t real clear on this. So we switched to the opposite of “humble.” I demonstrated by doing the Tarzan call and saying “I am the best!” That seemed to help, at least with the opposite of “humble!”
Please talk with them about the meanings of the eight words on the Beatitudes Handout:
Humble, Compassionate, Kind, Righteous, Merciful, Pure in Heart, Peacemaker, Charitable
Week Six
Homework for the Week
Read “Joseph’s Dream” and “Moses and the Burning Bush” in our Catholic Bible for Children with your child.
Talk about two significant concepts:
“God’s Gifts” and “Faith”
Read Chapter five in the text.
Choose one to three activities from Chapter 5 in the Activity Book.
Have your child read and begin to learn the St. Michael Prayer:
Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Week Five
Homework for the Week
Since we have a “Church Tour” Saturday to learn the names of the objects in the church, we are taking a break from the usual homework.
Please read the “Bless the Lord, sun and moon” poem with your child. Ask confident readers to read it to you. (Since we have three grade levels in our class, please feel free to adjust any assignment to your child’s grade level.)
Read about Jacob, Joseph, and Moses in the Children’s bible.
Invite your child to recite “The Lord’s Prayer” with you, and then alone.
Please help your child recite :
"Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen."
Week Four
Read “Joseph” and “Baby Moses” in our Catholic Bible for Children with your child.
Talk about two significant concepts:
“Envy” and “God’s Help”
Which story talks about “Envy?” Which story talks about “God’s help?”
Read Chapter 4 in the text.
Choose two to three activities from Chapter 4 in the Activity Book.
Continue to help your child memorize “The Lord’s Prayer.”
Week Three
Homework for the Week
Read “The Tower of Babel” and “God’s Promise to Abraham” in our Catholic Bible for Children with your child.
Talk about two significant concepts:
“Pride” and “Trust in the Lord”
Which story talks about “pride?” Which story talks about “trust in the Lord?”
Read Chapter 3 in the text.
Choose two to three activities from Chapter 3 in the Activity Book.
Help your child begin to memorize “The Lord’s Prayer.”
Week Two
Homework for the Week
Read “Cain and Abel” and “Noah’s Ark” in our Catholic Bible for Children with your child.
For Discussing “Cain and Abel”:
Talk about two significant Words:
“Jealousy” and “Obedience”
Which story talks about “jealousy?’ Which story talks about “obedience?”
Read Chapter 2 in the text.
Choose two activities from Chapter 2 in the Activity Book.
Continue memorizing the “Guardian Angel Prayer” and recite “The Lord’s Prayer” with your child.
Week One
Homework for the Week
- Please color in the Liturgical Colors and decorate the handout.
- Please read about “The Creation”
and “Adam and Eve” from a Catholic children’s bible.
- Begin to Memorize “The Guardian Angel Prayer”