For Parents To Teach To Their Children
Saying “I Love You”
With All Your Heart
Excerpt from
“Valentine’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to let the people in your life know how much you love and care about them. Here are some ways you can express your love on this special day:
Use heart-shaped cookie cutters to cut out your kids’ sandwiches for lunch. Draw hearts or place heart stickers on their lunch bags. And don’t forget to add a note telling them how much you love them and why. You can also do the same thing for your husband or wife.
One year I surprised my husband on Valentine’s Day by filling his car with red balloons. I attached a note to each of the balloons highlighting something I love about him.
Have the kids help you bake heart-shaped cookies and deliver them to grandparents, neighbors, residents of a nursing home or anyone else you think might enjoy receiving a treat.
Focus on the true meaning of Valentine’s Day. Aside from the cards, gifts, etc., the purpose of the day is to let those we care about know we love them. This Valentine’s Day, tell family members and friends just how much they truly mean to you.”
Our “Heart” Gallery
Valentine’s Day, February 14th
“Love, Hearts and Flowers”
Read About Love in Action
Here are three books that have heart. There is so much to read and enjoy from each book. The big book, A Calendar of Saints, is a reference book that will take you through the year, saint by saint, day by day. On february 14, read about the Saints of the Day-Cyril and Methodius–who gave the Slavic world the Cyrillic alphabet, which became the language of the Slavic people. This language was used to teach the people the liturgy and the Gospel in their own tongue.
translated the Bible into Cyrillic. “‘ …We pray Thee, Lord, give to us Thy servants, in all time of our life on earth, a mind forgetful of past ill-will, a pure conscience and sincere thoughts, and a heart to love our brethren: for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord and Only Savior.'” From the Coptic Liturgy of St. Cyril Page 35
A Communion of the Heart By Pamela Patnode, Illustrated By Austin Duncan (as a high school student), is a lovely child’s novel about a young girl’s desire to find out what is the right way to receive communion. She decides to write Pope Francis to ask him, “…I love Jesus and I want to make sure I receive Communion the right way.” It is an excellent book for a family to share, as an enjoyable story, when a child is going to receive their First Holy Communion. It is full of love and information.
Just Like Mary by Rosemary Gortler and Donna Piscitelli, Illustrated by Mimi Sternhagen is a beautiful small book for children about the life of Mary and her trust in God:
“We can wish for all the things
we think we need in life.
Or we can simply thank Him
for all that He has given us.
We can accept His way for us.
and trust in God’s love for us.
Just like Mary.”
Page 18
Make Beautiful Love-Filled Cards for Family and Friends for Valentine’s Day, February 14th!
February 14th, 2024 this year is a Tuesday. Valentine’s day is fun and happy and involves card-giving and sweets. It is usually filled with hearts, flowers and chocolate. Celebrate Valentine’s Day and, “Saint Valentine”, after celebrating Mass, and invite your children to give your family and friends home-made cards!