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For Parents To Teach To Their Children
Our Art Gallery
Thanksgiving Art
Enjoy the Feast!
Share the Abundance
Thanks Be To God

The Doxology–Tune Called “Old Hundredth”

Our Blessing Before Meals
Bless us, O Lord
and these, thy gifts, which we are about to receive from thy bounty,
through Christ our Lord,
Our Harvest’s Bounty
The Harvest of God’s Bounty”
Share the Abundance
“Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow.”
Our Family Art Project
Cardboard Cake Platter Wreath
Painted Gold Plate Wreath
Folk Art Pumpkin–Teacher’s Sample
For Thanksgiving, invite your child or children to draw a beautiful fall-themed cross or pumpkin.
Use whatever art supplies you have at home. Happy Thanksgiving!
Here are some crosses to give your child some Thanksgiving ideas!
Watercolor Paper, Black Sharpie Pen, Watercolors and Brush
An Abstract Art Cross Using Watercolors and Ink or a Sharpie
Red Cross, Black Outline, with Candle-Watercolors and Sharpie
Stained Glass Window , Marker and Acrylic Paint
Gold Paint on Aluminum Foil Watercolor Background
Kwik Stix Tempera Sticks “Wood” Cross on Art Paper
A Celtic Cross
“Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.”
Christ Is Risen!
Art Materials Used Above–Make Thanksgiving art for the Family!
Watercolor Paper, Scissors and Glue
Watercolors, Colored Pencils, Pastels
Liquid Watercolors, Brush and Paper
Sharpie Pens and Black Ink (Adults and Teens)
Solid Tempera Kwik Stix Originals
Washable Markers for Young Children
“We are all children of God.”
Page 10

“We give you thanks
for all your gifts,
almighty God,
living and reigning
now and for ever.”