For Parents To Teach To Their Children
This month– December 3, 2023 to Christmas Eve, December 24, 2023–Advent leads us to the “Coming” of Christ, the Messiah. It is a time of preparation, excitement, and joyful anticipation. Children love the build up to Christmas morning. This Advent season, art, music, and literature help children learn more about Jesus, and His humble beginning in Bethlehem.
Advent Begins, December 3, 2023
Preparation, Anticipation, Reconciliation, Joy
Source: USCCB.Org
Our Readings for Advent- From MagnifiKid!
“Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas.
‘Advent’ comes from a Latin word that means ‘arrival.’
During this season, we get ready to celebrate Jesus’ arrival.
The readings describe how the Hebrew people waited for the arrival of God’s promised Messiah.
They also remind us of Jesus’s promise to come again at the end of time.
Advent is a joyful time to repent our sins, to pray with renewed hope, and to open our hearts to others.
The readings of the Mass also invite us to await the return of the Lord in Glory.”
MagnifiKid! November 28, 2021. First Sunday of Advent. Vol. 18. Part 12. Section 6. Pages 4-5
Our Advent Prayers–From MagnifiKid!
“In the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
“Emmanuel! God is with us! Come Lord Jesus!
Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the
beginning, is now, and will be forever.
“Lord, help me stay awake so that I may prepare for your coming. Open my heart so that I may radiate your love to all around me.“
“In the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
“In the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
“Let us proclaim with Mary: “The Lord works wonders for me.”
Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the
beginning, is now, and will be forever.
“Keep me always ready to welcome you, Lord. Help me never to forget that I am your child.”
“Our Father, who art in heaven…”
“In the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
MagnifiKid! November 28, 2021. First Sunday of Advent. Vol. 18. Part 12. Section 6. Pages 4-5
A Colorful Advent Wreath for Kids
Anticipation–“O Come, O Come Emmanuel”
Our Advent Art Gallery
“Advent Candles Lit Each Sunday Before Christmas”
Watercolors on Watercolor Paper
Our Art Project–A Collage
Make an “Advent Plate” using a paper plate. You need to have an unsealed paper plate that is not coated in plastic, as are most paper plates. They are available at Costco. You can also trace a paper plate to make a neat circle onto watercolor paper and paint that, instead. I use children’s gold metallic acrylic paint that is washable. Smear the paint with fingers or a brush and let dry. Then, draw either into another piece of watercolor paper to make the candles for the collage, or draw /paint the candles onto the paper circle. I painted a small circle to glue onto the gold plate, as a liner. I mixed colors to get pink and purple and used yellow pieces of yellow paper which can also be painted onto the candles. You can use markers, as well to make this Advent art project. Here is how this looks:
Here are the materials I used:
This is a beautiful season and is a lovely time to read stories about “The Nativity.” I recommend reading Catholic Bible stories for children. You can also read your Catholic Bible at home for the story of “The Annunciation” when Mary hears the news that she will be the mother of God, through the stories of “The Nativity” ending on “The Flight to Egypt.” (Luke, Chapters 1 and 2.)
“We are all children of God.”
Page 10
“Show us Lord, your love;
and grant us your salvation.”
USCCB Psalm 85:8