Crosses, Chi Rho, and “Stained Glass” Windows
This Lent and Easter season, enjoy art projects with your children that are fun, interesting, and pretty. These are easy for all ages. Start with a piece of watercolor paper from a pad, then cut into fourths. The youngest children can use two large strips of removable masking tape to make a cross or their own design. Then use finger paints to color in the spaces where there is no tape. When the paint dries, pull off the tape to reveal the nice straight edges. If they feel they have made a mistake, encourage them to change the design by adding stickers or their own drawing over the blemish. I ripped the paper a bit pulling off the tape so I add the stickers to cover it up. I prefer seeing children turn a blemish into something else through creativity and innovation, rather than crumple up an otherwise nice piece of artwork. Older children can use different widths of removable tape to make the cross or Chi Rho. (Removable “Scotch Tape” also works). Watercolors work beautifully for this project, as do chalk, dry pastels, and gel crayons. Plain old crayons are great, too! Enjoy this Lenten and Easter season through art that reinforces children’s connection to Christ and their church.
Crosses, Stained Glass Windows, and a Chi Rho
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