“Do this in memory of me.” (Luke 22:19)
“We do what Jesus asked each time we celebrate the Eucharist.”
For Parents to Teach to Their Children
Source: We Believe and Celebrate First Communion Pages 48-49
We Begin to Learn “The Liturgy of the Eucharist”
*Preparation of the Gifts
*Prayer over the offerings
Eucharistic Prayer
Communion Rite
A Child’s Prayer for First Holy Communion
Prayer from “Blessed First Communion” PDF page 162 DynamicCatholic.Com
Prayer poster was designed by Kim N. Buckley. For children to decorate and display at home.
For a Family Discussion
Have you ever participated in the Presentation of the Gifts–bringing the altar bread, and the wine–to the priest for Consecration? In my church, children also come at times with parents to offer the Gifts. It is a lovely way for a family to participate as members of the Church. Talk to your children about the profound difference between altar bread and wine, from the Body and Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. We follow the actions and instructions of Jesus precisely. Since Jesus used bread made from wheat, we do the same. We cannot use rice, lentil, corn flour, or anything but wheat, for the altar bread. The wine has to be made from grapes. We do not use grape juice, or wine from plums. We bring the gift of wine made from grapes, just as Jesus drank and offered to his disciples. Please talk with your children about the meanings of each word in italics.
New Words and Concepts
Resource: Liturgical Objects Used in Mass from CatholicMom.com
Source: We Believe and Celebrate First Communion pages 48-49

Presentation of the Gifts–Members of the congregation bring cruets of wine and water and a ciborium of altar bread to the priest at the steps to the Sanctuary for Consecration.
Eucharist–“The Mass is the celebration of the Eucharist. The word ‘eucharist’ means ‘to give thanks. Throughout the Mass, we give God thanks and praise.” “The Eucharist is offered to make up for the sins of the living and the dead. Through it we receive spiritual and physical help from God.”
The Liturgy of the Eucharist– “… is the part of the Mass in which the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. The Liturgy of the Eucharist begins as the priest prepares the altar. Then members of the assembly bring forward the gifts of bread and wine. We remember the many gifts God has given to us.” “The priest or deacon accepts the gifts of bread and wine. He brings them to the altar. He prepares them with special prayers. We respond, ‘Blessed be God for ever.’ Then we pray with the priest that the Lord will accept these gifts.”
Sacrifice–“A sacrifice is an offering of a gift to God. As a sacrifice, Jesus offered his life for us on the cross to save us from sin.” “He rose to new life so that we could live happily with God forever.”
“Invitation to Prayer”
Source: MagnifiKid! April 22, 2018. Vol. 15. Part 5. Section 5. Page 8
Priest: “Pray, brethren (brothers and sisters), that my sacrifice and yours/may be acceptable to God,/almighty Father.”
Congregation: ” May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands
for the praise and glory of his name,
for our good
and the good of all his holy church.”
“The Pope, Bishops, Priests, and Deacons”
MagnifiKid! Page 8
This week in MagnifiKid! we read that certain men are called by God to serve Him. They are the Deacons, Priests, and Bishops. Some deacons are “permanent” and others are “transitional”. The “permanent” deacons can be married before they are ordained, but if they are married they will not become priests. “Transitional” means that the deacons are on their way to becoming priests and thus they do not marry. Deacons serve the bishops. They preach the Good News, and assist in charitable activities. Deacons can perform two of the sacraments: they can witness the vows of couples celebrating Holy Matrimony, and they can baptize. They are also able to officiate at funerals, and to bless religious objects (such as rosaries). They often read the Gospel at Mass, but since they are not priests they cannot celebrate the Eucharist (Mass). Only priests and bishops can celebrate the Eucharist. Only men can become priests and bishops. This is ultimately because Jesus only chose men to become his apostles and to celebrate the sacraments, and as Catholics we are obligated to replicate exactly what Jesus did when he was with us on earth. Bishops and priests share in Christ’s role as Head and Shepherd of the Church on earth, His flock.
Psalms 23–“The Lord is My Shepherd”
Source: usccb.org
“A psalm of David.
The LORD is my shepherd;
there is nothing I lack.
In green pastures he makes me lie down;
to still waters he leads me;
he restores my soul.
He guides me along right paths
for the sake of his name.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff comfort me.
You set a table before me
in front of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Indeed, goodness and mercy will pursue me
all the days of my life;
I will dwell in the house of the LORD
for endless days.”
Eucharist Art Project
Please provide paper, crayons, markers or chalk pastels to invite your child to draw four important parts of the Eucharistic Feast–a chalice, host, wheat, and grapes. This drawing was done by a seven-year-old using dry pastel chalks, which provide a lovely drawing opportunity. Smudging and blurring the chalk with fingers is a great tactile experience.

Suggested Homework
Week Thirty-One
Talk with your child about these two questions. Ask them to write down their short answers.
“During this Sunday’s Mass I will thank God especially for…”
“During this week, my family will thank God especially for…”
Source: We Believe and Celebrate First Communion pages 52-53
Please read page 223 “I am the Bread of Life” John 6:22-70 from Catholic Book of Bible Stories.
“Just like your stomach gets hungry, your soul gets hungry, too. So how can you feed your soul? You feed your soul with God’s life-giving words in the Bible. We hear God’s words during mass when the Gospel is read. We also feed our souls by sharing the body and blood of Jesus when we receive Communion.” By Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton
Please read “The Good Shepherd” from John 10:11-18 from your family Bible or online from USCCB.org.
Please read the “Glorious Mysteries” of the Rosary to learn what happens after Jesus is crucified. As you pray the Rosary, please read one every Sunday for five weeks during this Easter season.This week please read and learn about “The Assumption.”
The Glorious Mysteries (These are recited Wednesdays and Sundays)
- “THE RESURRECTION (Matthew 28:5-6)”
- “THE ASCENSION (Mark 16:15)”
- “THE ASSUMPTION (Revelation 12:6)”
- “THE CORONATION” (Revelation 12:1)”
The Glorious Mysteries from Rosary-Center.org