The Second Sunday of Easter
“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, his love is everlasting.” Source:
For Parents to Teach to Their Children
The Second Sunday Ends the Easter Octave. Easter Season Lasts 50 Days With Pentecost.
“From Easter Sunday all the way to Pentecost, we celebrate the Easter season. Lent, the season of penance, was forty days long, but this joyful season lasts fifty days. Throughout this season, the Priest wears white as a sign of joy. We rejoice that Jesus Christ died and rose to forgive our sins and open the gates of heaven. Death has no more power over those who believe in Jesus. Let us rejoice, alleluia!”
Source: Magnifikid! April 19, 2020, Vol.17. Part 5. Section 6. Page 4
Our Art Gallery
“Chi Rho” Panels Done Using Markers and Painters’ Tape
A Chi Rho is an early cross. It is a symbol for “Christ.” The Alpha and Omega letters are Greek, and mean: “The beginning” and “The end.” Christ is both. He is eternal.
What Is a “Cornerstone?” A Family Discussion
“Alleluia.” “The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.”
Psalms, chapter 118
The Oxford Dictionary defines “cornerstone” as, “A stone that forms the base of a corner of a building, joining two walls.” If the cornerstone was to be removed, the wall or building could fall down. Another meaning is, “An important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based.” For example, we can say that the family is a cornerstone of society. The family is an essential building block of a strong society. In the reading from Psalms, chapter 118:22, the meaning is still more complex:
According to the, “The stone the builders rejected: a proverb: what is insignificant to human beings has become great through divine election. The “stone” may originally have meant the foundation stone or capstone of the Temple. The New Testament interpreted the verse as referring to the death and resurrection of Christ.”
In other words, the cornerstone for us and all Christians, is Jesus. Here are three photos from Israel that might help you define this for your children. With the photo of the wall, you might ask your children what would happen if a rock at the based were to be removed.
Art Project for “Cornerstone”
Older children might enjoy painting a wall that has the cornerstone removed. Use water soluble pastel crayons to draw the wall. Color in the squares, then dip a finger or brush into water to liquify the watercolor pastels. Use a tooth brush to splatter the painting. This was painted using the following materials:
The Story of “The Doubt of Saint Thomas” in Art
Discussion Topics for Families
This is an Italian painting from the 1700s. Turin, Italy, where this was painted, is quite close to Switzerland. Artists often portrayed Jesus as a person from the region the artist lived in. It’s possible that Jesus is blond in this painting because blonds were common in the region. Ask your children to look at the painting of Jesus (with more of a Jewish or middle eastern look) at the top of this page, and to look at Jesus in this painting above. What is different about the two artists’ visions of Jesus? Ask your children how they think Jesus looked.
“Doubting Thomas”
A Paraphrase from John, chapter 20:19-29
Source: The Catholic Children’s Bible
After Jesus’ resurrection, he came to visit his disciples. He entered a locked room, not walking through the door like a ghost. He simply appeared among them, and said, “Peace be with you.” He then showed the disciples his hands and side. He again said, “Peace be with you. As the Father sent me, so I send you.” Then he breathed on them and told them to receive the Holy Spirit.
“If you forgive people’s sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”
One of the disciples was not with them when they all saw Jesus. This was Thomas. When the men told him they had seen Jesus, he replied, “Unless I see scars of the nails in his hands and put my fingers in those scars and my hand in his side, I will not believe.”
A week later, Jesus appeared among them again, this time with Thomas present. Again, Jesus said to the group, “Peace be with you.” Then he told Thomas, “Put your finger in here, and look at my hands; then reach out your hand and put it in my side. Stop your doubting and believe!”
“Thomas answered him, ‘My Lord and my God!'”
Praying the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
For the next five weeks when you pray the Rosary, please read about one Glorious Mystery each Sunday with your children. Use your family Bible instead of a child’s Bible for this experience.
The Glorious Mysteries (These are recited Wednesdays and Sundays)
- “THE RESURRECTION (Matthew 28:5-6)”
- “THE ASCENSION (Mark 16:15)”
- “THE ASSUMPTION (Revelation 12:6)”
- “THE CORONATION” (Revelation 12:1)”
“Christ Is Risen”–Icon Art Project for this Easter Season
Use an uncoated paper plate (Smart and Final and Costco) and smear it with kids’ washable metallic gold paint, using fingers, a sponge or brush. Let dry. Use Easter and Christian-themed rubber stamps with washable ink pads to decorate. Cross and flower stickers add color and beauty to the design. Invite your child to use a finger tip dipped in washable tempera paint to further decorate. Punch a hole at the top of the plate and use a ribbon to hang it prominently! This is a fun and easy craft for kids of various ages.
Our Materials
Suggested Homework
Week Twenty-Seven
If you have not already, please read the “Glorious Mysteries” of the Rosary to learn what happens after Jesus is crucified. As you pray the Rosary, please read one every Sunday for five weeks during this Easter season.
The Glorious Mysteries (These are recited Wednesdays and Sundays)
- “THE RESURRECTION (Matthew 28:5-6)”
- “THE ASCENSION (Mark 16:15)”
- “THE ASSUMPTION (Revelation 12:6)”
- “THE CORONATION” (Revelation 12:1)”
The Glorious Mysteries from
Please read John, chapter 20:19-29 from
Also read “The Road to Emmaus” Luke 24:13-35 in the Catholic Book of Bible Stories pages 188-190. Please have your child read out loud, “Faith to Grow” and “Prayer.”
For additional Enrichment: “On the Road to Emmaus” (Luke 24; John 20) pages 278-279 in The Children’s Illustrated Bible has helpful illustrations and information about the town of Emmaus, the disappearing of Jesus, and includes a French illustrated manuscript of “Doubting Thomas.” I always learn from this excellent resource.