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Our Art Gallery
Crosses–Our Symbol of Faith
Connie Goldin
The Cross by Kim N. Buckley
Our Logo–Host, Chalice and Cross by Kim N. Buckley
White and Gold Pens on Black Paper
White and Gold Pens on Black Paper
Pontius Pilate Coin at Time of Jesus
The Crown of Thorns
Jesus Bears His Cross
Silver Background, White and Gold Pens, Aluminum Cross
White and Gold Pens on Aluminum Cross, Painted Cardboard Background
White Background, White and Gold Pens, Aluminum Cross, Cardboard Background
Copy of Argentinian Cross on Embossed Silver
Bubble Wrap Cross on Acrylic Paint Background
Cross Collage on Pained Background
Sponge-Painted Cross
Acrylic Paint Over Screen Mesh on White watercolor Paper
Black Cross on Silver Background
Ash Wednesday Cross
White Watercolor Pastel Crayon on Watercolor
Crucifix in Watercolor
Cross Collage Fall Color Theme
Cross–Jesus in the Wilderness with Angels
Watercolor Paten
Watercolor Host
A Watercolor Cross
Holy Bible in Watercolors
The Tabernacle in Gold Metallic Kids’ Paint–A Print
Cross and Banner in Watercolor
Watercolor Cross
Liturgical Colors and Crosses
“Poor Box” in Watercolor
Dyed Wooden Crosses
Dyed Cross for Craft Project
Glue Painted Cross onto Painting
Painted Rock with Cross
Child’s Pen Cross Drawing
Easter Cross by Child
Child’s Cross in Pastels on Black
Black Cross in Watercolor
Child’s Chalk Cross
Child’s Dyed Cross with Glitter
Twelve- Year-Old’s Cross
Child’s Cross on Hill
Student’s Chalk Cross
Child’s Pastel Cross
Older Child’s Pen and Pastel Cross
Child’s Pen and Pastel Cross
Pen and Pastel Cross
Easter Cross
Smudged Pastel and Pen
Pen and Pastel Crosses
Pastel Chalk Cross
Pastel Chalice, Host and Cross
“Wooden” Cross in Pastels
Young Child’s Pastel Cross
Pastel Chalk for “Wooden” Cross
Cut Paper Jerusalem Cross
Cut Paper Jerusalem Square Cross
Gel Crayon Jerusalem Cross
Multi-Color Chi Rho in Marker
Tape Design over Dry Painting
Watercolor Pastels Chi Rho
The Chi Rho Using Cut Paper
Watercolor Crayon Cross
Watercolor Chi Rho Using Tape for Chi Rho
Cut Paper Cross
Lay Out Before Glueing
Using Veggies To Print Cross, Tempera Paints
Celtic Cross
Cross and Symbols in Water Soluble Pastels
Watercolor Pastel Cross
Cross with Pastel Smudges
Pen and Marker Cross
Sacred Heart of Jesus in Tempera Sticks
Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary
Cross Sticker on Heart Painting
Pen and Marker Crosses
Child’s Watercolor Heart
Sacred Heart of Jesus Watercolor
Print On Aluminum Foil and Collage
Cros for Sacred Heart Collage
Finger-Painted Cross with Tape for Paint Resistant Cross
Heart Template Painted Pink with Sticker
Cross for Mary with Hearts
Cross for Mary with Flowers
Watercolor Cross Collage
Jesus Next to Two Thieves
Cross Cut from Screen Painting
Watercolor Background Cross Collage
Collage Cross with Rays
Collage of Watercolor Cross and Eggs
Chalice and Host in Pastel Chalk
Collage Paten with Hosts, When Consecrated Become Body of Christ
Cut-Out Wheat for Our Daily Bread–Watercolor and Glue
Jesus–Lamb of God –in Pen and Watercolor
Symbols for Saint Paul–Book and Sword
Symbols for Christ on Paper Plate “Icon”
Cross on Child’s “Icon”
Flower Cross with Markers
Painter’s Tape to Make White Lines and Markers
Print Using Acrylic Painted Cross Collage
Print Using Acrylic Paint on Bubble Wrap Cross then Markers and Pieces of Painted Plastic
Chalice and Host in Markers
The Holy Gospel
The Missal At Mass
Kwik Stix Tempera Sticks “Wood” Cross on Art Paper
Kwik Stix “Jeweled” Cross
Kwik Stix Maltese Cross