“God raised up this Jesus, and of that we are all witnesses.”(Acts 2:32)
Source: USCCB.org
“Peter explained, ‘Jesus came and served the people. He taught God’s laws. He performed miracles. He was crucified and died, all with God’s Knowledge. Then God, the Father, raised his only Son, Jesus Christ, to sit at his right hand. Jesus promised not to forget us, and so he poured the Holy Spirit upon us. God made Jesus both Lord and Messiah.'”
Source: Catholic Book of Bible Stories, “The Coming of the Holy Spirit” Page 198
For Parents To Teach To Their Children
A Family Conversation
Imaging being a simple fisherman, carpenter, or farmer from Galilee who was a follower of Christ from the beginning and saw all the miracles and wonders that Jesus performed. These men became His disciples and learned about the Kingdom of God, how to treat others, and the Commandments by listening to Jesus’ preaching on The Beatitudes, Mercy, and the Great Commandment. How profoundly sad it must have been to see Jesus crucified, and then how mystifying and awesome to hear the news of the Resurrection. What could they have possibly have thought when Jesus returned to talk and eat with them for forty days. Then, to see him rise and disappear into the sky. All of the apostles did as Jesus instructed them to do…to go out and spread the Gospel. This is remarkable. Only something as extraordinary and incomprehensible as the wonders of Christ, empowered the apostles to leave everything behind and to bring Christ’s message and promise to other parts of the world. Let’s think ways we can bring the message of Christ to those in our lives.
Our Art Gallery
Mary and the Apostles
Learning About the Apostles Through Song
Here is an easy-to-remember way to learn the names of the apostles from MountainOfGraceHomeschool.com
The Apostle’s Creed–A Profession of Faith
Help your children work on memorizing this.
The Last Apostle is Added
Since Judas betrayed Jesus and died, the apostles needed to chose a replacement for him.
“Without Judas, who had betrayed Jesus, there were now only eleven apostles left. ‘There must be twelve of us, as before,’ said Peter. They all prayed together and then chose Matthias, who had been a follower of Jesus from the start.'”
Source: The Catholic Bible for Children “The Ascension and the Choosing of Matthias” Page 209
Deciding How to Spread the Good News
The word “apostle” comes from the “Greek word apostello ‘to send forth, ‘to dispatch.'” We drop off a letter at the post office to be sent off or mailed. When I finish writing this article, I will post it onto the Sunday School Updates website.
The apostles were “sent out” by Jesus to share the “Good News,” to baptize new Christians, and to forgive sins. Peter realized in a vision, ‘Jesus had come to save all men!'” “Peter and Cornelius” Page 219
“Paul, wanted to preach about Jesus to people everywhere. Peter, too, agreed to proclaim Jesus to men of every race. They prayed with the other apostles, asking God to help them find the best way to announce the good news.” “The Great Council of Jerusalem” Page 220
Our Art Project–Praising God
“From the rising to the setting of the sun
is the name of the LORD to be praised.”
Source: USCCB.org Psalms 113:3
Our Materials and Method
If you just have crayons, that is fine for drawing a Chi Rho and Peter’s Keys. The drawing above was made on cardboard packing material using chalk pastels. Perhaps you can find something to draw on that is out of the ordinary–newspaper, grocery bags, paper plates, paint or permanent markers on aluminum foil, etc. Use your imagination!
Week Thirty- Three–Suggested Homework Activities
An Excerpt from MagnifiKid! April 18, 2021 Vol. 18. Part 5. Section 6. Pages 2 & 4
“Knowing God’s word”
“Open your Bible to the Acts of the Apostles. Read the first two chapters to learn more about the birth of the Church and the preaching of the Apostles.”
“The Acts of the Apostles”
“From Easter to Pentecost, we do not read from the Old Testament for the first reading, but rather listen to a passage from the Acts of the Apostles. The book was written by Saint Luke. It is located in the Bible just after the Gospels. Luke tells about what happened after the Death and Resurrection of Jesus–how the Apostles gave witness to what they had seen. It is the story of the beginning of the Church.”