Our Children’s Bible for Class and Homework

Catholic Book of Bible Stories is written by Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton, and illustrated by Doris Ettlinger. It is a “Recipient of the Imprimatur” from Most Rev. Robert J. Rose, D.D. Bishop of Grand Rapids, Iowa.
This is a beautiful book of Catholic Bible stories for children ages four to eight. The illustrations are colorful and descriptive, and the author includes the six most basic Catholic prayers at the front of the book:
“The Sign of the Cross, The Our Father, The Hail Mary, The Glory Be to the Father, Grace at Meals, and Prayer to Our Guardian Angel.”
Each Bible story ends with a page which includes “God’s Blessing” with the theme of the story; “Faith to Grow” a synopsis of the story’s essence; and, “Prayer” that corresponds with the Bible story.
There are activities for each of the fifty Bible stories for children and families in the “Let’s Do This” section at the end of the book. The activities involve one or more of our five senses.
“Let’s Talk About This” offers families questions to provoke thought and discussion. I am using this book for the posts on “Curriculum,” “Homework” and “Enrichment.” It is a lovely resource for families.